
Latest California Healthline Stories

Pre-Existing Condition Reform Passes Committee

The Senate Committee on Health yesterday passed SB 961 by Ed Hernandez (D-West Covina), which would change the individual health insurance market in California, in part by halting insurer denials based on pre-existing conditions. It is similar to a bill — AB 1461 by Bill Monning (D-Carmel) — approved by the Assembly health committee one day earlier.

Both measures are designed to conform to the federal Affordable Care Act, Hernandez said, in advance of many other states.

“While some of you may not support the Affordable Care Act, it is currently the law of the land,” Hernandez said yesterday in introducing the measure. “And California continues to serve as a model for the rest of the nation.”

Health Committee Approves Additions to Medical Review Plan

The independent medical review process in California needs an update  according to Senate member Ed Hernandez (D-West Covina) who introduced SB 1410 at Wednesday’s Senate Committee on Health hearing.

“This bill deals with the Independent Medical Review program as an important safeguard for consumers of health care in California,” Hernandez said. “Collectively these changes will improve the effectiveness and transparency of the IMR program.”

Hernandez said the bill adds three improvements to the current IMR process in the state.

Changes Intended to Smooth MRMIP Operation

Assembly member Bill Monning (D-Carmel) is chair of the Assembly Committee on Health, but at yesterday’s meeting he went to the other side of the dais to present a piece of new legislation.

Monning’s AB 1526 would eliminate the annual and lifetime limits on coverage in the Major Risk Medical Insurance Program, popularly known as MRMIP.

“This bill is related to two goals I’ve had since I started in the Assembly. And number one is to make MRMIP more affordable for people who are in dire need of it,” Monning said. “And the other goal was, to actually meet Mister Mip.”

Clues to How the Supreme Court Might Rule on Health Reform

The fate of the Affordable Care Act rests in the hands of the Supreme Court justices, who next week will hear oral arguments over three days. How the court might rule is a hot topic — and several historic court decisions provide some hints as to which way the case will go.

On the Health Reform Trail: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

At the two year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, California has made significant progress in establishing an insurance exchange and undertaking other provisions of the law. However, the road ahead is marked by uncertainty, and California must meet more challenges before the job is done.

Health Insurers, Physician Group Oppose Ballot Initiative

It’s not even a ballot measure yet, but it’s certainly getting ballot-measure treatment.

Yesterday, a coalition of health insurance organizations, the California Medical Association, the California Hospital Association and other groups announced they were joining forces to fight a ballot measure designed to regulate health insurance rate increases.

“This initiative does nothing to address the cost drivers in the health care system,” according to Paul Phinney, president-elect of the CMA. “I just think this initiative is the wrong idea.”