Latest California Healthline Stories
What Will New Timely Access Rules Mean for California?
Department of Managed Health Care Director Cindy Ehnes joins health care advocates and representatives of the insurance industry and physician lobby in debating the implications of rules that will cap wait times for medical services for HMO members.
Health Centers Play Bigger Role in California Health Care
Federally qualified health centers are seeing more patients in California, providing a new career alternative for family physicians and new options for county governments struggling to fulfill their obligation to care for the state’s indigent population.
Shorter Waits To See a Doctor Coming Soon to California
In the works since 2002, new state regulations will go into effect this fall limiting the amount of time patients have to wait to see a doctor in managed care systems.
What Will Post-Budget Health Care Look Like in California?
Health care programs have seen major cuts in state funding in recent months, prompting some stakeholders to worry that the reductions are undermining California’s health care safety net. Representatives of three organizations share their thoughts on the matter.
What Could National Health Care Reform Mean for California?
Mitchell Katz of the San Francisco Department of Public Health and Erica Murray of the California Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems weigh in on the implications of health care reform efforts in Washington, D.C.
California Group Seeks Tighter Rules for Public Benefits, Citizenship
A wide array of organizations, ranging from the California Medical Association to the Latino Coalition for a Healthy California, is lining up in opposition to a campaign to get an initiative on the ballot that would end public benefits for undocumented immigrants, deny welfare payments for their children and establish new rules for birth certificates.
Obama, Democratic Leaders Push for Swift Action on Reform
President Obama has called for both houses of Congress to pass health care reform legislation before lawmakers adjourn for the August recess. House Democrats stepped up to the plate and unveiled their proposal yesterday, and the Senate HELP Committees approved its bill this morning.
Oral Health Advocates Call for More Emphasis on Dental Coverage in Health Care Reform
The California Dental Association’s Dean Chalios, Paul Glassman of the University of the Pacific and Daphne Von Essen of the California Dental Hygienists’ Association discussed oral health care with California Healthline.
What’s the Best Strategy for Funding Health Care Efforts in California?
Much has been made of the May 19 special election in California, and some political analysts have raised questions about what the election results say about voters’ willingness to dedicate specific revenue streams to health care programs. Two state lawmakers shared their thoughts on the issue.
Congress Returns To Work on Reform With Deadlines Looming
President Obama has said he wants to sign health care reform legislation by October. Looking at the calendar, that means Congress has a lot of work to do in the weeks before it adjourns for its August recess, especially on divisive issues like how to pay for reform and whether to include a public plan.