Latest California Healthline Stories
Planear por adelantado para cuidados al final de la vida
Un nuevo beneficio de salud disponible para millones de californianos anima a las personas a discutir opciones con los doctores para cuidados al final de la vida.
Advance Planning For Your End-Of-Life Care
A new health benefit available to millions of Californians encourages people to discuss end-of-life care options with their doctors.
Revamp Of State Program For Medically Fragile Kids Moves Forward In Legislature
Some parents and advocates say they now support the measure after changes were made to address their concerns.
Old Motels Get New Life Helping Homeless Heal
Using run-down motels to care for and temporarily house homeless people recently discharged from the hospital helps stabilize them inexpensively, preventing unnecessary and costly returns to ERs and hospitals.
Medi-Cal gastará cerca de mil millones en drogas para la hepatitis C el próximo año
En total, el gasto en hepatitis C está aumentando porque más personas están tomando los costosos medicamentos nuevos. Pero el costo por paciente está bajando.
A pioneering program in southern California provides ongoing care and housing to homeless people who are “super-utilizers” of hospital emergency rooms. The effort is reducing ER visits and saving a lot of money.
Medi-Cal To Spend Nearly $1 Billion On Hepatitis C Drugs Next Year
Costly meds will be discussed at lawmaker hearing on controversial drug price transparency bill.
California Budget: Small Health Gains, Advocates Look To Nov. Ballot For Big-Ticket Items
Advocates turn to ballot initiatives to help fund higher rates for Medi-Cal providers, possible care for undocumented adults.
Las Tarjetas del Medi-Cal Están Teniendo un Lavado de Cara
Los oficiales quieren reflejar la amplia demografía del programa.
$320 Million Covered California Budget Provides More For Outreach To Underserved
The 2017 spending plan restores money for community organizations that help Californians sign up for health coverage.