Latest California Healthline Stories
Demócratas debaten si es “realista” un Medicare para Todos
Los siete candidatos que participaron del último debate de 2019 hablaron sobre la practicidad de una reforma radical de la atención médica, específicamente, de Medicare para Todos.
Government-Funded Day Care Helps Keep Seniors Out Of Nursing Homes And Hospitals
The aptly named Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly provides services funded by Medicaid and Medicare that range from medical and mental health care to hot lunches, recreation, transportation and haircuts. California’s newest PACE center opened recently in San Diego County.
Democrats Debate Whether ‘Medicare For All’ Is ‘Realistic’
Candidates again sparred over “Medicare for All” and other approaches to health reform — but this time they waited more than two hours before wading into health policy issues.
What Would Happen If The ACA Went Away?
The Affordable Care Act has been on the books for nearly a decade. Parts of it have become ingrained in our health system ― and in our everyday life. But this could change, depending on a long-awaited 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decision regarding the law’s constitutionality.
Californians Without Health Insurance Will Pay A Penalty — Or Not
Californians must have health insurance starting next year or face a hefty tax penalty. But, as with the now-defunct federal tax penalty for being uninsured, some people will be exempt.
Website Errors Raise Calls For Medicare To Be Flexible With Seniors’ Enrollment
Members of Congress and others complain Medicare’s revamped Plan Finder had problems. Federal officials say they can help consumers who got bad information change their plans next year. But details about how switching will work are yet to come.
KHN’s ‘What The Health?’: We Spend HOW MUCH On Health Care?
The annual accounting of national health spending is out. And the 2018 health bill for the U.S. was $3.6 trillion, consuming nearly a fifth of the nation’s economy. Meanwhile, Congress is nearing the end of the year without having finished either its annual spending bills or several other high-priority health items. Kimberly Leonard of the Washington Examiner, Joanne Kenen of Politico and Mary Agnes Carey of Kaiser Health News join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss this and more. Also, Rovner interviews KHN’s Markian Hawryluk about the latest KHN-NPR “Bill of the Month.”
Candidatos apuestan fuerte por la salud. ¿Es lo que los votantes realmente quieren?
Una nueva encuesta revela que los votantes sí quieren que se hable de salud. Pero la pregunta del millón es: ¿apoyarán en las urnas un “Medicare para Todos”?.
Candidates Are Betting Big On Health. Is That What Voters Really Want?
Polls show that health care is at the top of voters’ issues, but the polls also say Democrats, let alone other Americans, are not ready for “Medicare for All.”
Did Joe Biden Overstate Democratic Voters’ Opposition To ‘Medicare For All’?
The term “vast” sets a high bar.