Latest California Healthline Stories
Meth Trip Or Mental Illness? Police Who Need To Know Often Can’t Tell
The calming techniques that officers learn during training to intervene in a mental health crisis don’t seem to work as well when a suspect is high on meth. Meth calls can be much more dangerous, police say.
For Young People With Psychosis, Early Intervention Is Crucial
California budget provides $20 million to expand early psychosis treatment around the state.
Grief Grew Into A Mental Health Crisis And A $21,634 Hospital Bill
She spent five days in the hospital undergoing psychiatric care. The bill she got is about the same price as a new Honda Civic.
Washington State Law On Behavioral Care Balances Parental Rights, Teens’ Autonomy
Many states have rules that keep parents from knowing about or consenting to certain types of care for their children, including mental health and drug and alcohol treatment. Washington state, however, has revised its policies.
Rescates del 911 relacionados con la salud mental, sin policías
Denver es una de al menos ocho ciudades que está considerando implementar un programa que busca despenalizar y mejorar el tratamiento de las personas con enfermedades mentales graves.
Taking The Cops Out Of Mental Health-Related 911 Rescues
Denver is considering adopting a new 911 alternative used in Eugene, Ore., that allows mental health and medical professionals, not police officers, to respond to some emergency calls, saving money and de-escalating situations with mentally ill people.
Trastorno de atención: pediatras apoyan la medicación, pero otros la terapia primero
La prevalencia del TDAH se ha disparado en las últimas dos décadas, y ahora, 1 de cada 10 niños recibe este diagnóstico en el país. Hay controversia sobre qué terapia utilizar primero.
Pediatricians Stand By Meds For ADHD, But Some Say Therapy Should Come First
The American Academy of Pediatrics is out with new guidelines on ADHD that some hoped would boost the role of behavioral interventions before medications. But the AAP stuck by its recommendation that children 5 and older should be given medicine combined with therapy after diagnosis.
The Delicate Issue Of Taking Away A Senior’s Smartphone
Knowing when — and how — to limit a loved one’s access to digital devices is akin to taking their car keys.
¿Cómo prevenir suicidios? Busca pistas en moteles, consultorios y refugios de animales
Un programa en un condado de Oregon ha logrado reducir la tasa de suicidios investigando las decisiones que toman las personas que piensan en el suicidio días antes de cometerlo.