Latest California Healthline Stories
A New Diagnosis: ‘Post-Election Stress Disorder’
Trump opponents — and even some supporters — say the election and tumultuous early days of the new administration have left them anxious, angry and afraid of Facebook.
Veteran Teaches Therapists How To Talk About Gun Safety When Suicide’s A Risk
Most veterans who commit suicide do so with a gun, but most therapists don’t understand gun culture. A veteran who has struggled with depression himself now helps bridge that gap by educating mental health professionals.
An Alzheimer’s ‘Tsunami’ Threatens Latinos
The number of U.S. Latinos with the memory-robbing disease is expected to rise more than eightfold by 2060, to 3.5 million, according to a recent report — putting a strain on families and health care resources.
Un ‘tsunami’ de Alzheimer amenaza a latinos
Según un informe reciente, se espera que el número de latinos en los Estados Unidos con la enfermedad roba-memoria aumente más de ocho veces para 2060, a 3,5 millones de casos, poniendo presión en las familias y en los recursos de salud.
Obama’s Drug Czar: The Opioid Crisis Must Continue To Be A Federal Priority
In an interview with Kaiser Health News, Michael Botticelli outlined his concerns about how GOP efforts to dismantle the health law’s coverage expansions could jeopardize treatment for people in need.
Trying To Solve The Alzheimer’s Puzzle
Alzheimer’s researchers hold onto hope after another promising trial ends in disappointment.
Prescribing Opioids To Seniors: It’s A Balancing Act
An expert geriatrician says the benefits for the patient, such alleviating pain and maintaining independence, must be weighed against the possible risks. Her motto: ‘start low and go slow.’
Drug Prices, Opioids, And Obamacare: A Conversation With Assemblyman Jim Wood
Wood, who chairs the Assembly Health Committee, lays out his priorities for 2017.
Alzheimer a los 40: científicos estudian la “mutación de Jalisco”
Investigadores están estudiando a familias de los Estados Unidos y México, portadores de una mutación genética que los hace desarrollar Alzheimer a edad temprana, con la esperanza de encontrar tratamientos para frenar este mal.
Keeping Lonely Seniors Company Can Help Keep Them Healthy
Little Brothers, which operates in San Francisco and several other cities, sends volunteers to brighten the lives of isolated elderly people, helping to reduce the risk of serious illness.