Road to Reform

Latest California Healthline Stories

Think ACA Exchange Enrollment Is Over Until November? Think Again.

Enrollment in the Affordable Care Act’s insurance exchanges isn’t over just yet, even though the Obama administration is already celebrating that 7.1 million people have signed up so far. Besides the upcoming second open enrollment period this year, there are two other ways consumers can sign up for exchange coverage.

Will This State Be the First To Expand Obamacare — and Then Take It Away?

About 100,000 residents of Arkansas have gotten coverage through the “private option,” a unique application of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion. But the program only runs through June, and Republicans — concerned by costs and emboldened by state legislative victories — are threatening to kill it after just six months.

The CARE Act: A New GOP Approach to the ACA or a Missed Opportunity?

The Patient Choice, Affordability, Responsibility and Empowerment Act — released last week by three GOP senators — would keep some of the Affordable Care Act’s provisions, making it different than other plans to replace the law. Here’s a look at how health policy experts are viewing the proposal.