Latest California Healthline Stories
States Offer Privacy Protections To Young Adults On Their Parents’ Health Plan
Now that young people up to the age of 26 can stay on their family plan, it can be difficult for them to keep their medical information confidential.
Las Tarjetas del Medi-Cal Están Teniendo un Lavado de Cara
Los oficiales quieren reflejar la amplia demografía del programa.
$320 Million Covered California Budget Provides More For Outreach To Underserved
The 2017 spending plan restores money for community organizations that help Californians sign up for health coverage.
Gov. Brown Signs Bill Seeking OK For Exchange To Sell To Immigrants Without Documents
The state can now submit a potentially precedent-setting request for federal approval to allow immigrants living in California illegally to buy insurance from Covered California.
HHS Announces Plans To Curtail Consumers’ Use Of Short-Term Insurance Policies
The plans, which do not qualify as coverage under the Affordable Care Act and put consumers at risk of a tax penalty, can siphon healthy people away from the online marketplaces because they are generally less expensive.
Hike In Minimum Wage Will Push Some Workers Out Of Medi-Cal
The need to buy health insurance could eat into pay gains.
Medi-Cal Cards Getting A Facelift
Officials want to reflect the program’s wider demographic.
Number Of Low Income Kids Getting Coverage Grows In California, Around Nation
Up to 170,000 undocumented children in the state can now apply for full Medi-Cal health coverage, which will boost enrollment.
¿Venderá Covered California cobertura de salud a indocumentados?
California está cada vez más cerca de presentar una solicitud, la primera en el país, para una decisión federal que permitiría al mercado del Obamacare del estado vender planes de salud a inmigrantes que están viviendo ilegalmente en el país.
Obamacare Premiums In California May Rise 8 Percent Next Year, State Predicts
The projected increase in premiums is expected to draw national attention in an election year — especially from foes of the Affordable Care Act.