Latest California Healthline Stories
UCLA Study Shows Why One of the Biggest Obamacare Fears May Not Come To Pass
California’s Low Income Health Plan ended nearly a year ago. But UCLA researchers think the state’s early Medi-Cal expansion can inform how we think about Obamacare implementation — and emergency department use, in particular.
Primary Care ‘Waiting for This Moment’
Primary care providers convene today in Sacramento for a statewide conference focusing on how best to make use of the spotlight the Affordable Care Act is shining on their profession.
One Year Later: What Worked for Covered Calif. and What To Expect in November
As Covered California marks its first anniversary, officials look to incorporate lessons learned during the past year as the exchange launches its second open enrollment period next month.
Vague ACA Guidelines Create Obstacles for New Moms Needing Breast Pumps
Although the Affordable Care Act mandates coverage of breast pumps, a lack of guidelines in the new law makes it difficult for mothers with medical needs to get them, according to moms and advocacy groups. The issue is coming to light in the Inland Empire and other parts of California.
Why One Pioneer ACO Quit the Program — and What It Reveals About the ACA
Ten of Medicare’s 32 Pioneer ACOs now have dropped out of the high-profile program, after San Diego’s Sharp HealthCare informed CMS that it would be leaving the two-year-old pilot.
States that were initially hesitant to expand Medicaid eligibility now are exploring alternative coverage plans, but there are implications to increasing coverage without state-to-state parity.
Checking in on ACA Care Models: Where ACOs and PCMHs Stand
The Affordable Care Act provided a platform to test and bolster innovative care delivery models, like accountable care organizations and patient-centered medical homes. But more than four years after its passage, there is little evidence that such models are delivering on their promises and some experts say the effects are far from clear.
Cedars-Sinai Didn’t Make the List in Year 1. What Will Year 2 of Narrow Networks Hold?
Covered California’s goal of expanding access to coverage didn’t mean that customers had access to all providers, as health plans chose to leave one of the state’s best — and priciest — hospitals off their provider lists. One year later, does the decision still make sense? And what will happen in the upcoming enrollment period?
Can the ACA Solve Staggering Prescription Drug Prices?
Many Americans believe the ACA should act as a salve for all things that ail the nation’s health care system. In light of the ongoing debate over the high cost of Gilead’s new hepatitis C treatment, what is the law doing to hold down prescription drug prices?
Most Insurance Exchanges Just Got Bigger. Covered California Is Getting Smaller.
Bucking national trends, Covered California didn’t add any insurance carriers — and actually shed a plan — ahead of its second year. Is that because the exchange is already competitive, or are leaders too complacent?