Latest California Healthline Stories
Poised for Growth, Commercial ACOs Also Face Considerable Challenges
Accountable care organizations formed by private insurers and health systems face different requirements and challenges than those regulated by CMS. As commercial organizations increasingly jump on the ACO bandwagon, other private entities will be watching from the sidelines to see if they find success.
Panel Takes on State Health Care Issues
An impressive lineup of speakers assessed the state of health care reform in California at a panel discussion yesterday in Sacramento staged by the Public Policy Institute of California.
From Leaders to Laggards: Why Some States Are Giving Up on Exchanges
Several states that wanted to lead on Obamacare implementation have conceded that they failed at the crucial task of rolling out their health insurance exchanges, and they are beginning to turn operations over to the federal government.
Did California Just Save 2,300 Lives by Expanding Obamacare? Let’s Do The Math.
A groundbreaking study suggests that having insurance coverage cuts mortality risk by almost 3%. Here’s how that would play out in California, where as many as 1.9 million people who were previously uninsured may now have coverage through the Affordable Care Act.
It’s Been Four Years. Has Obamacare Improved Health Care Yet?
The Affordable Care Act has led to expanded health coverage and may have slowed down cost growth, too. But the jury’s still out on whether the nation’s major health reform is actually improving the nation’s health.
How California Took the ‘Lead’ on Obamacare — and Why It’s Too Early To Take a Victory Lap
One-point-four million sign-ups on the insurance exchange. One-point-nine million Medicaid enrollees. When it comes to raw Obamacare enrollment figures, no other state comes close to California. The state has claimed its role as the lead car, but it’s still on the first lap of a multiyear race, experts say.
Think ACA Exchange Enrollment Is Over Until November? Think Again.
Enrollment in the Affordable Care Act’s insurance exchanges isn’t over just yet, even though the Obama administration is already celebrating that 7.1 million people have signed up so far. Besides the upcoming second open enrollment period this year, there are two other ways consumers can sign up for exchange coverage.
1M Cancellations, 1.2M Enrollments: How Many Californians Really Signed Up?
Obamacare’s first open enrollment period has ended, and Covered California reported impressive numbers: A staggering 1.2 million sign-ups, which left the website staggering under “unprecedented” demand, too. But critics say that enrollment figures have been inflated by so many plan cancellations in the state.
Why Most Health Wonks Aren’t Fretting About This Year’s Biggest ACA Court Case
Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby, argued before the Supreme Court on Tuesday, may end up as “the signature ruling” of this term. But an increasing number of observers are focusing on a different case, heard just down the street on the same day and one level lower on the judicial tree.
Ignore the Hype: Health Care’s ‘Cost Disease’ Hasn’t Been Cured.
Health care’s cost curve is finally bending, and no story may be more important. But the gains could be short-lived — the industry’s long-term “cost disease” is only in remission, says one of the nation’s most prominent economists.