Latest California Healthline Stories
Low-Income AIDS Patients Fear Coverage Gains May Slip Away
The federal health law made it feasible for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program to expand its efforts and help patients buy marketplace insurance plans to cover drugs and other health care.
California’s Republican Congress Members Face Quandary Over Health Bill
Many constituents could lose coverage under the AHCA. Half of California’s Republican-led districts voted against Donald Trump.
Medicaid Caps Pitched By GOP Could Shrink Seniors’ Benefits
Advocates for the elderly worry that GOP plans to end Medicaid’s open-ended spending and replace it with per-capita limits could pose a risk for low-income older people who rely on the federal-state program for nursing and other long-term care.
In Deep-Red Western N.C., Revered Congressman Leads Charge Against GOP Bill
Is Republican Rep. Mark Meadows the man who would kill “Trumpcare”? He enjoys strong support in his gerrymandered western North Carolina district as he leads conservative opposition to the GOP’s plan for repealing and replacing Obamacare.
KHN On Call: Answers To Questions On Tax Credits, Penalties And Age Ratings
KHN and NPR answer your questions on the GOP health bill.
GOP Bill’s Unheralded Changes In Rules Could Undermine Health And Prospects Of Neediest
Lesser-known provisions in the Republican proposal to replace the Affordable Care Act would push some Medicaid enrollees out of coverage and cause financial pain for others.
Do You Speak Repeal And Replace? Click Thought Bubbles For Translations
Want to understand the complicated lingo surrounding the ongoing battle over the Affordable Care Act? We’ve got the guide for you.
On Medicaid Money, GOP Has Win-Or-Lose Proposition For States
The House Republicans’ bill to repeal Obamacare would change how the federal government allocates matching funds to state Medicaid programs — and could cost some states billions of dollars a year in federal aid.
GOP’s 3-Bucket Strategy To Repeal And Replace Health Law Is Springing Leaks
Republican leaders say that to dismantle Obamacare it will take not just the bill now being debated in the House, but also regulatory changes and other bills to come later. Some party members say that plan is not realistic.
Obamacare Pushed Nonprofit Hospitals To Do Good Beyond Their Walls. Now What?
A provision in the 2010 health law required these hospitals to justify their tax exemption by demonstrating involvement in community health. Repeal, replace or repair could stall that momentum.