Hospitales ponen en marcha mejores planes luego de enfrentar desastres
Los hospitales se están preparando para enfrentar mejor los desastres naturales y las tragedias que han puesto a prueba su respuesta a emergencias.
Hospitals’ Best-Laid Plans Upended By Disaster
An onslaught of fires, shootings and storms across the country last year tested hospital readiness. Now, leaders are using their experiences to address shortcomings that surfaced amid the chaos.
Gloves Off, Fists Up: Nurses Storm Capitol To Renew Single-Payer Fight
The state nurses union struck a defiant tone at a Capitol rally and hearing, promising to continue their in-your-face tactics until the legislature passes a bill to create universal health coverage in California.
Alzheimer’s ‘Looks Like Me, It Looks Like You’
At a panel discussion this week in Sacramento, patients, caregivers and others shared their perspectives on how Alzheimer’s disease affects women, who account for two-thirds of those living with the condition.
Frail Patients Losing Access To Dental House Calls
Dental hygienists who treat frail and elderly residents in nursing homes and other facilities are dropping out of California’s publicly funded dental program for the poor because of recent changes that cut their pay and create more administrative hurdles.
Oh, That Deadline? Doesn’t Apply To California
Consumers in the 39 states served by the federally-run health insurance exchange face a Friday deadline to sign up for Affordable Care Act health plans, but Californians have until Jan. 31 to enroll.
Desperate For Coverage: Are Short-Term Plans Better Than None At All?
As stopgap health plans gain attention as possible alternatives to Obamacare, consumers are advised to read the fine print.
Putting Money Where Its Mouthpiece Is: Calif. Outspends U.S. To Market Obamacare
The state insurance exchange is committing nearly five times more money than the federal government on ads urging people to sign up for health insurance, reflecting conflicting attitudes toward the Affordable Care Act.
Una enfermera por cada 4.000 alumnos = no parece el mejor acuerdo
La escasez de enfermeras diplomadas en escuelas pone en riesgo a estudiantes con condiciones médicas que requieren de atención diaria.
One Nurse Per 4,000 Pupils = Not The Healthiest Arrangement
School districts in California and around the country face a long-standing shortage of nurses, mostly because of tight budgets. But some districts are finding creative ways to reduce the problem.