NO a manejar ebrio: estados imponen alcoholímetros para prevenir muertes
Los alcoholímetros son dispositivos que se colocan en el volante y evitan que el auto arranque si se detecta aliento etílico en el conductor.
No-Go On Drunken Driving: States Deploy Breathalyzers In Cars To Limit Road Deaths
On New Year’s Day, California joins the majority of U.S. states that require people convicted of drunken driving to install ignition-linked breathalyzers in their vehicles. If the devices detect alcohol above a predetermined level, the cars don’t start.
Covered California Pops And Locks Through Enrollment Season
The state health insurance exchange hired hip-hop dancers in communities across the state as part of its promotion of open enrollment, which ends Jan. 15.
El año del “vapeo”: dramático aumento del uso de cigarrillos electrónicos en jóvenes
El “vaping” va en contra de la tendencia: el consumo de alcohol, de tabaco tradicional y de marihuana están bajando. El cigarrillo electrónico crece.
The Year Of The Vape: Teen E-Cigarette Use Spikes
More than a third of high school seniors said they have vaped in the past year — up nearly 10 percentage points from the previous year. The dramatic jump comes despite efforts by public health officials, educators and lawmakers to reverse the e-cigarette trend among youths, including a recent proposal to ban retail sales of flavored tobacco products in California.
Durante los incendios, solo ciertas máscaras protegen de las partículas tóxicas
El humo de los incendios forestales es peligroso porque contiene partículas finas que pueden alojarse profundamente en los pulmones, empeorando problemas respiratorios como el asma.
For Wildfire Safety, Only Particular Masks Guard Against Toxic Particulate Matter
As wildfires blaze in Northern and Southern California, millions of people outside of the burn zones are getting exposed to dangerous wildfire smoke. For those donning face masks for protection, only a specific mask will work.
Measure To Cap Dialysis Profits Pummeled After Record Spending By Industry
The dialysis industry raised nearly $111 million in a successful bid to defeat the measure, which also was opposed by hospitals and doctors. The union that sponsored the measure collected about one-sixth that amount.
From A Negative To A Positive: Dems Use Health Care To Hammer GOP In Ads
Democratic congressional hopefuls in the state’s toss-up districts say health care is a top election issue and the GOP’s weak point. They’re coming out strong with ads blasting their Republican opponents for voting to repeal the Affordable Care Act last year.
Hospitales infantiles claman de nuevo por la ayuda de los votantes, pero ¿la necesitan?
A pesar de la naturaleza positiva de estos pedidos, algunos expertos en salud y analistas electorales cuestionan que los hospitales le pidan dinero tantas veces a los contribuyentes.