Latest California Healthline Stories
Verano de pesadilla: le facturan $142,938 por tratar una mordedura de serpiente
A la pequeña Oakley Yoder la mordió una copperhead en el verano de 2018. La niña, entonces de 9 años, recibió una atención de excelencia. Pero el resultado fue una factura astronómica.
Amid Opioid Prescriber Crackdown, Health Officials Reach Out To Pain Patients
After dozens of health care workers were charged with illegally prescribing opioids in Appalachia, local health agencies are trying to make sure chronic pain patients don’t fall through the cracks.
‘Heartbeat Bills’ Give State Lawmakers Pause On Anti-Abortion Tactics
Ohio is the latest Republican-led state to pass a ban on abortion once a fetal heartbeat can be detected. But Tennessee last week backed off on a similar bill, fearing costly legal battles. What now?
Grupos denuncian atención médica y de salud mental deficiente a los detenidos por ICE
Grupos de derechos civiles denuncian que los inmigrantes detenidos en un centro de Adelanto, California, no reciben el urgente cuidado médico y mental que necesitan.
Watchdogs Cite Lax Medical And Mental Health Treatment Of ICE Detainees
The Adelanto ICE Processing Center houses nearly 2,000 people in California. Federal, state and watchdog reviews say the Florida-based firm that runs the facility fails to provide adequate health care.
Economic Ripples: Hospital Closure Hurts A Town’s Ability To Attract Retirees
Celina, Tenn., has long lured retirees, with its scenic hills and affordability. These newcomers help fuel the local economy. But a recent hospital closure makes the town a harder sell.
Fentanyl-Linked Deaths: The U.S. Opioid Epidemic’s Third Wave
Overdose deaths involving fentanyl are soaring, says a new study from the CDC.
How Much Difference Will Eli Lilly’s Half-Price Insulin Make?
Eli Lilly released a half-price generic version of its own short-acting insulin. At $137.35 per vial, the generic insulin is priced at about the same level as Humalog was in 2012.
Patients Question How FDA Approves Medical Devices
High-profile failures of implantable medical devices — such as certain hip joints and pelvic mesh — have prompted the Food and Drug Administration to revise its assessment process.
Psicosis post parto: real, rara y peligrosa
Se habla mucho más de la depresión post parto. Pero se conoce poco de la psicosis que puede afectar a las mamás, una condición severa que necesita atención inmediata.