Latest California Healthline Stories
To Curb Coronavirus, What’s Behind The Wearing Of A Mask?
The CDC recommends that Americans wear facial masks when they go to public places, such as the grocery store. But this is only one part of a multipronged effort to stop the virus’s spread.
After COVID-19: Doctors Ponder Best Advice As Patients Recover From Coronavirus
Doctors are making decisions about a patient’s recovery with an incomplete understanding of the disease caused by the coronavirus. Although federal officials have issued general guidelines, physicians said they can’t offer recovered patients who aren’t retested any guarantees about whether they could transmit the virus.
Consejos médicos para los pacientes que se recuperan de COVID-19
Como en tantos otros aspectos de este nuevo coronavirus, determinar cuándo un paciente se ha recuperado sigue siendo terreno incierto. Hay directrices, pero la información sobre la enfermedad es limitada.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
Temperature Check: Tips For Tracking A Key Symptom Of Coronavirus Contagion
Taking one’s temperature is not as easy as it sounds. For one reporter, the first challenge was finding a thermometer.
Tomarse la temperatura: consejos para monitorear un síntoma clave del coronavirus
Después que me dijeran que había estado expuesta al nuevo coronavirus, intenté seguir el mejor consejo médico. Empecé a trabajar desde casa. Me aislé socialmente. Y me “auto-controlé” para detectar signos de infección. O, al menos, lo intenté. Los síntomas de COVID-19 parecen bastante claros. Tos seca y dificultad para respirar. Fatiga. Fiebre. Para rastrear […]
What Takes So Long? A Behind-The-Scenes Look At The Steps Involved In COVID-19 Testing
A common complaint about the testing process is the long turnaround time for results.
¿Por qué lleva tanto tiempo? Cómo es el paso a paso de una prueba para COVID-19
Desde la toma de la muestra con un hisopo hasta el paso final, expertos explican cómo se trata la muestra para COVID-19, y explican futuros tests rápidos que podrían arrojar un resultado en minutos.
‘Red Dawn Breaking Bad’: Officials Warned About Safety Gear Shortfall Early On, Emails Show
As President Donald Trump called the nation “in good shape” to handle COVID-19, a cache of emails released by officials in Washington state show that top public health authorities feared gear shortages and doctor safety in the early epicenter of sickness and deaths.
Trump’s Boast About U.S., South Korea Coronavirus Testing Misses The Mark
The president’s statement frames the data in a way that doesn’t accurately represent the status of the American response to COVID-19.