Latest California Healthline Stories
Aumentan las líneas de ayuda para dejar de vapear
Funcionarios de salud están investigando 1.299 casos en 49 estados y el Distrito de Columbia, incluyendo al menos 26 muertes, de enfermedad pulmonar vinculada al vapeo.
As Vaping Illnesses Rise, So Do Pleas To Quit-Smoking Help Lines
Tobacco-cessation help lines — traditionally aimed at cigarette smokers — are receiving a surge in calls from people who use vapes and want to quit.
La sífilis congénita sigue aumentando a un ritmo alarmante
A nivel nacional, 1,306 bebés adquirieron sífilis de su madre en 2018, un aumento del 40% con respecto a 2017, según datos federales. Este tipo de transmisión es prevenible.
Congenital Syphilis Continues to Rise at an Alarming Rate
The number of U.S. infants who acquired syphilis from their mothers during pregnancy rose 40% last year. Just five states, including California, accounted for nearly two-thirds of the cases.
Trastorno de atención: pediatras apoyan la medicación, pero otros la terapia primero
La prevalencia del TDAH se ha disparado en las últimas dos décadas, y ahora, 1 de cada 10 niños recibe este diagnóstico en el país. Hay controversia sobre qué terapia utilizar primero.
Pediatricians Stand By Meds For ADHD, But Some Say Therapy Should Come First
The American Academy of Pediatrics is out with new guidelines on ADHD that some hoped would boost the role of behavioral interventions before medications. But the AAP stuck by its recommendation that children 5 and older should be given medicine combined with therapy after diagnosis.
Insurers Test New Way To Cut Maternity Care Costs: Bundling
More insurers are experimenting with paying health care providers one lump sum to cover the cost of maternity care. Physicians and insurers hope the model — known as bundled payments — will help improve health outcomes.
As Off-Label Use Spreads, Supplies Of Niche Drugs And Patients’ Patience Grow Short
The reasons behind one particular shortage of a therapy known as IVIG are complicated, stemming from increased demand and the medication’s long production window.
Camouflaged Vaping Devices Are Hoodwinking Parents And Schools
The vaping hoodie. The vaping watch. The vaping phone case. Each ready to deliver a puff of nicotine (or marijuana) anywhere, anytime. The vaping market is crowded with sleek, camouflaged devices that have teachers and parents struggling to monitor illicit usage of a product that has surged in popularity among high schoolers.
Dispositivos de “vapeo” camuflados desconciertan a padres y escuelas
Un mouse de computadora. Una funda para el celular. Mochilas. Unidades USB. Las opciones de kits de “vapeo” que se anuncian en internet son muchas y muy coloridas.