Latest California Healthline Stories
Huecos en las promesas de proteger la cobertura de condiciones preexistentes
Expertos en políticas de salud que han analizado el texto del proyecto de salud del Senado, aseguran que la legislación no siempre garantizaría la atención de personas con condiciones preexistentes.
Survivors Of Childhood Diseases Struggle To Find Care As Adults
Once-fatal childhood diseases, like cystic fibrosis, congenital heart disease and sickle cell anemia, now can be survived into adulthood. But when those patients become too old to see pediatricians, it can be difficult for them to find physicians familiar with their conditions.
Many COPD Patients Struggle To Pay For Each Medicinal Breath
One in 9 Medicare enrollees have COPD and many of them can’t afford the inhalers that keep them out of the emergency room.
How To Help Alzheimer’s Patients Enjoy Life, Not Just ‘Fade Away’
Research shows that people with dementia can benefit significantly from efforts to ease communication, improve overall health and other key measures.
Tracking Air Quality Block By Block
An environmental advocacy group plans to install 100 pollution sensors at homes, schools and businesses in the congested area near the Port of Oakland to capture variations in the level of diesel contaminants.
¿Siente dolor? Muchos médicos dicen que los analgésicos no son la solución
Muchos médicos ya no recetan generosamente analgésicos opioides como la oxicodona o el fentanilo para el dolor de espalda o las migrañas. En cambio, recurren cada vez más a opciones no farmacológicas como la acupuntura y la fisioterapia.
In Pain? Many Doctors Say Opioids Are Not The Answer
The opioid addiction crisis has led to a crackdown on prescriptions for chronic pain patients, who are increasingly given less addictive painkillers along with referrals for acupuncture, physical therapy, massage and even yoga.
How To Make A Home Much More Friendly To Seniors Using Wheelchairs Or Walkers
Experts say key steps can make a home much more accessible to seniors who can have trouble getting around in wheelchairs or walkers.
Health Law Coverage Has Helped Many Chronically Ill — But Has Left Gaps
New research finds that the Affordable Care Act — especially the Medicaid expansion — has helped about 4 million people with chronic health problems get coverage, including many in California. Researchers say their findings could help Republicans planning a replacement.
New Medicare Rules Should Help ‘High Need’ Patients Get Better Treatment
Medicare is launching new regulations in January that will provide higher reimbursements for doctors involved in care coordination for seriously ill people.