Latest California Healthline Stories
Soda Warning Label Bill Is Back
A proposal to print a health warning on sugary drinks in California that generated heated debate last year has been reintroduced in the state Legislature.
UC-Merced Takes Grassroots Approach To Reducing Obesity
University researchers from several academic disciplines will work directly with community members and organizations to better understand the barriers to healthy eating in underserved communities in a program based at UC-Merced.
Tobacco Tax Proposal Set To Rise Again
After a number of failed legislative attempts and two narrow ballot-measure losses, the proposal to raise the tobacco tax is officially back at $2 a pack.
Is Berkeley’s New Soda Tax a Tipping Point or an Outlier?
Proponents say the definitive victory for the nation’s first tax on sugary beverages is the beginning of a movement that will grow and spread. Big soda representatives say it’s an insignificant anomaly.
Should Palliative Care Be Reformed?
We asked stakeholders and legislators about proposals in Congress and the California Legislature seeking to change the way health care systems deal with palliative care.
Calif. Senate OKs Diabetes Action Plan
The state Senate passed a bill calling for state officials to create a diabetes assessment and action plan that could lay the groundwork for future legislation by establishing the disease’s cost to the state.
Can the ACA Solve Staggering Prescription Drug Prices?
Many Americans believe the ACA should act as a salve for all things that ail the nation’s health care system. In light of the ongoing debate over the high cost of Gilead’s new hepatitis C treatment, what is the law doing to hold down prescription drug prices?
Amputation Rate 10 Times Higher for Poor Patients, UCLA Study Finds
UCLA researchers say low-income individuals with diabetes in California are at much greater risk to have limbs amputated than wealthier people with same disease.
New Access to HIV Care, New Difficulties in Affordability
The Affordable Care Act offers new coverage opportunities for thousands of HIV-positive Californians who previously were ineligible for private insurance or Medi-Cal. However, the coverage comes with a new set of complexities and often higher prices.
California Disease Outbreaks Come Amid New Evidence of Vaccine Safety
Californians opting out of immunizations contributed to outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases this year, according to state health officials who point to new research indicating vaccines generally are safe and do not pose long-term health threats.