Latest California Healthline Stories
Pressure Builds To Cut Medicare Patients In On Prescription Deals
Medicare officials have been discussing a rule change that would give beneficiaries a share of the secretive fees and discounts that are negotiated for prescription drugs.
Medicaid Chief Says Feds Are Willing To Approve Work Requirements
Seema Verma, the head of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services tells state officials that she envisions changes that could include work requirements for Medicaid enrollees.
Estados podrían imponer el requisito de estar trabajando para tener Medicaid
La titular de los Centros para Servicios del Medicare y Medicaid, Seema Verma, dijo que esto le daría más flexibilidad a los estados para operar sus programas de Medicaid.
Money-Saving Offer For Medicare’s Late Enrollees Is Expiring. Can They Buy Time?
Sept. 30 marks the end of Medicare’s temporary offer to waive penalties for certain late Medicare enrollees with Affordable Care Act insurance coverage.
Trump Administration Whacks Millions From Budget Used To Push Obamacare
The federal government plans to spend millions of dollars less this year on advertising and outreach efforts to support the health law’s Open Enrollment period that starts Nov. 1.
Drástica reducción de fondos para promover el Obamacare
Menos dinero para los navegadores y nuevas fechas para el período de inscripción abierta son dos de las medidas de la administración Trump para bloquear al Obamacare.
State-Led Effort Helps Improve Blood Pressure Control Among Low-Income Patients
Nine Medi-Cal health plans joined the state in a program that helped them stabilize blood pressure among their members — but most still fell short of a federal goal intended to reduce the number of heart attacks and strokes.
Sin rechazar el Obamacare, Trump todavía puede desmantelar el Medicaid
Funcionarios de salud del presidente Donald Trump podrían diseñar una inscripción más baja, aprobando solicitudes de varios estados republicanos ansiosos por controlar los presupuestos del Medicaid.
Even Without Congress, Trump Can Still Cut Medicaid Enrollment
The Trump administration is poised to grant states waivers that some critics say could change the shape of the program.
Feds To Waive Penalties For Some Who Signed Up Late For Medicare
Medicare has not sent notice of the temporary penalty waiver to enrollees in exchanges run by the states. But Covered California plans to notify its members who are about to turn 65 — or already have — sometime this summer.