Latest California Healthline Stories
New Rules Will Ease Patients’ Access To Electronic Medical Records, Senate Panel Says
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), head of the influential HELP committee, wants to make it easier to share and store detailed medical histories.
FDA Chief Calls For Stricter Scrutiny Of Electronic Health Records
In an interview, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb reacts to a KHN/Fortune investigation of the drawbacks and risks of electronic health records.
Death By 1,000 Clicks: Where Electronic Health Records Went Wrong
The U.S. government claimed that turning American medical charts into electronic records would make health care better, safer and cheaper. Ten years and $36 billion later, the system is an unholy mess. Inside a digital revolution that took a bad turn.
Glimpsing The Future At Gargantuan Health Tech Showcase
Innovations to help consumers manage their health were on display at the nation’s largest health technology conference that attracted more than 40,000 health industry professionals to Orlando.
Health Care Is Where The Jobs Are. But What Kind Of Jobs?
The health care industry adds thousands of jobs to the economy each month. While they aren’t all doctors and nurses, they aren’t all paper pushers either.
In Grandma’s Stocking: An Apple Watch To Monitor Falls, Track Heart Rhythms
The new-generation gadget is designed to alert and protect wearers from falls and heart problems, expanding Apple’s target audience beyond the usual, tech-savvy, early adopters to those with older tickers.
Para los abuelos: nuevo Apple Watch monitorea caídas y el ritmo cardíaco
El nuevo dispositivo de Apple apunta a un grupo demógrafico distinto al de los fanáticos de la tecnología: los adultos mayores.
Like Clockwork: How Daylight Saving Time Stumps Hospital Record-Keeping
One of the most popular electronic health records software systems used by hospitals, Epic Systems, can delete records or require cumbersome workarounds when clocks are set back for an hour, prompting many hospitals to opt for paper records for part of the night shift.
Paper Jam: California’s Medicaid Program Hits ‘Print’ When The Feds Need Info
Amid the buzz over apps and electronic medical records rescuing modern medicine, California’s Medicaid program still clings to 1970s-era technology. A reboot may cost half a billion dollars.
CalPERS Health Chief Wields The Power Of Data To Tame Costs
Liana Bailey-Crimmins brings her information-technology expertise to CalPERS’ health division, aiming to curtail spending on otherwise costly procedures and drugs.