Latest California Healthline Stories
Estrategia para frenar infecciones sexuales: tratar a la pareja sin cita médica
Aunque es una práctica recomendada oficialmente para frenar la diseminación de infecciones sexuales, muchos médicos no la ponen en práctica.
An Underused Strategy For Surge In STDs: Treat Patients’ Partners Without A Doctor Visit
For over a decade, federal health officials have recommended the practice, known as expedited partner therapy. It is allowed in most states, but many doctors don’t do it — either because of legal or ethical concerns, or because they are unaware of it.
In The Battle To Control Drug Costs, Old Patent Laws Get New Life
Health insurers and pharmacy benefit managers are exploring how two legal provisions — which have been on the books for decades — could bring down the price tags of certain prescription medications.
California: A Health Care Laboratory With Mixed Results
California frequently innovates to address its wide-ranging health care needs, but it has not always achieved its aims. A series of articles in the journal Health Affairs shows, among other things, that efforts to care for HIV patients, provide better access to reproductive services for low-income women and fill gaps in primary care have sometimes fallen flat.
Religious Conservatives’ Ties To Trump Officials Pay Off In AIDS Policies, Funding
Shepherd Smith, a strong supporter of abstinence-only sex education for AIDS, has been close to the new director of the CDC for decades. This connection is just one example of the “new in crowd” surrounding the Trump administration, where politics and religion mix.
Gastos de bolsillo impiden que más personas reciban la droga que previene el VIH
Funcionarios de salud pública están intensificando esfuerzos para que más personas puedan consumir PrEP. Pero aseguradoras ponen trabas al uso de cupones.
Out-Of-Pocket Costs Put HIV Prevention Drug Out Of Reach For Many At Risk
It’s getting increasingly difficult for patients to afford Truvada, also known as pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, because of the drug’s high price and insurance company efforts to restrict the use of coupons that shield patients from it.
Si tienes hepatitis C, escupir puede ser un crimen
En Ohio, un hombre que tiene hepatitis C fue sentenciado a 18 meses de prisión por escupirle a un oficial. Defensores dicen que estas leyes no son eficaces para detener la propagación de la enfermedad.
If You’ve Got Hep C, Spitting Can Be A Felony
About a dozen states have added hepatitis C to the list of medical conditions for which people can face criminal prosecution if they engage in certain activities like sex without disclosure, needle-sharing or organ donation.
Por qué activistas no quieren que una gran conferencia de SIDA se realice en el país
Restricciones en la entrada al país de usuarios de drogas y trabajadoras sexuales hacen que activistas de San Francisco cuestionen que el área sea sede de la próxima Conferencia Internacional de SIDA.