Latest California Healthline Stories
Trump’s Promise To Rein In Drug Prices Could Open Floodgate To Importation Laws
Sen. Bernie Sanders’ bill to allow Americans to buy cheaper medicines from Canada would bypass a requirement that blocked past legislative efforts over two decades.
California’s Republican Congress Members Face Quandary Over Health Bill
Many constituents could lose coverage under the AHCA. Half of California’s Republican-led districts voted against Donald Trump.
KHN On Call: Answers To Questions On Tax Credits, Penalties And Age Ratings
KHN and NPR answer your questions on the GOP health bill.
Do You Speak Repeal And Replace? Click Thought Bubbles For Translations
Want to understand the complicated lingo surrounding the ongoing battle over the Affordable Care Act? We’ve got the guide for you.
GOP’s 3-Bucket Strategy To Repeal And Replace Health Law Is Springing Leaks
Republican leaders say that to dismantle Obamacare it will take not just the bill now being debated in the House, but also regulatory changes and other bills to come later. Some party members say that plan is not realistic.
House GOP Health Bill Jettisons Insurance Mandate, Much Of Medicaid Expansion
After intense negotiations among party’s factions, leaders unveil legislation that committees will mark up this week.
Support For Health Law Grows, Leaving Republicans In A Bind
As GOP lawmakers struggle to find a replacement for Obamacare, public support for the health law grows and a majority of Americans say they don’t want fundamental changes to Medicaid.
Hoping To Control Health Costs, California Lawmaker Targets Prescription Drug Coupons
Proposed state legislation would ban drugmakers from issuing coupons to lower patients’ copayments if a cheaper, FDA-approved medication is available.
Preserving Fertility When It Is Threatened By Life-Saving Medicine
A bill recently introduced in the California Legislature would require insurance companies to cover fertility-preserving services for patients at risk of infertility because of necessary medical treatments.
One GOP Plan Says States That Like Their Obamacare Can Keep It
California and other states could continue to cover people under the ACA or create new approaches, according to a bill introduced Monday. Many Democrats fear such state options won’t draw enough federal funding and will fragment coverage nationwide.