Latest California Healthline Stories
Doling Out Pain Pills Post-Surgery: An Ingrown Toenail Not The Same As A Bypass
As the opioid epidemic rages, a Johns Hopkins surgeon and researcher is leading an effort to curb overprescribing by offering procedure-specific guidelines to ensure that post-surgical patients leave the hospital with enough, but not too much, pain medication.
Longtime ‘Fighter’ Lands Top Spot In Powerful Nurses Union
Registered nurse Bonnie Castillo is the new executive director of the California Nurses Association, a raucous union that has been pushing — loudly — for the adoption of a government-run, single-payer health care system in the Golden State.
Luchadora de larga data asume posición en poderoso sindicato de enfermeras
La nueva líder del poderoso sindicato de enfermeras explica sus puntos de vista sobre atención de salud y el sistema de pagador único.
#MeTooMedicine: mujeres que trabajan en salud también denuncian acoso sexual
Las denuncias de acoso sexual en Hollywood y otras áreas han movilizado a las mujeres en el campo de la medicina a contar sus historias.
Women In Medicine Shout #MeToo About Sexual Harassment At Work
Lawsuits and complaints about sexual harassment are piling up in the health care industry as women take on doctors, peers and co-workers.
Reducing Red Tape For Traveling Nurses
A multistate nursing agreement allows nurses to work in numerous states without the hassle and expense of obtaining licenses in each one. More than half of states have signed on to an upgraded version of the agreement — but not California.
Reducen la burocracia para facilitar el trabajo de las enfermeras viajeras
La Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), se lanzó en el año 2000 para abordar la escasez de enfermeras y permitir que más practiquen telemedicina. Esta licencia permite que ejerzan en varios estados. Voces a favor y en contra.
Gloves Off, Fists Up: Nurses Storm Capitol To Renew Single-Payer Fight
The state nurses union struck a defiant tone at a Capitol rally and hearing, promising to continue their in-your-face tactics until the legislature passes a bill to create universal health coverage in California.
Consejos para enfrentar la mala atención en hospitales
El paciente tiene derecho a reclamar si cree que no está recibiendo una atención adecuada. Y el hospital debe resolver el problema rápidamente.
Problems With Your Hospital Care? Speak Up!
If you’re in the hospital and aren’t happy with how they are treating you, here are some simple steps to improve your situation.