Latest California Healthline Stories
Millones con diabetes no aprovechan programa nutricional de Medicare
Hay unos 15 millones de beneficiarios de Medicare que viven con diabetes, pero solo unos 100,000 se han inscripto para usar este beneficio que, al parecer, tiene buenos resultados.
Watch: Five Things To Know About Hunger Among America’s Aging
One out of every 13 seniors in America struggles to get enough food to eat while the federal program intended to help hasn’t kept pace with the graying population. KHN Midwest editor/correspondent Laura Ungar explains what you need to know about this largely hidden problem.
Starving Seniors: How California’s Aging Are Falling Through The Cracks
One in 12 older Californians struggle to find enough food to eat while the federal program intended to help hasn’t kept pace with the graying population. That’s worse than the national average, with particularly high numbers in the San Jose and Riverside areas.
En Tijuana, madres migrantes esperan dos fechas límite: el parto y la corte
Más mujeres embarazadas deben vivir meses en refugios en la frontera, esperando por sus audiencias de asilo en EE.UU. Reciben poco o ninguna atención prenatal.
Migrant Moms Await Due Dates And Court Dates
A growing number of pregnant women are among the migrants seeking asylum in the United States. Many must wait in Mexico until their cases are heard, spending weeks or months in migrant shelters with limited access to health care.
Hungry Californians Finally To Get A Little More Help
California is the last state to make federal food benefits available to disabled and senior residents who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Californians who get SSI will become eligible for food aid on June 1.
Big Soda Pours Big Bucks Into California’s Capitol
The soda industry spent $11.8 million to influence policy statewide in 2017 and 2018. As politicians once again consider bills that would tax and label sugary drinks, more big money is expected to flow.
Diez pasos para cambiar hábitos poco saludables después de los 60
¿Quién dijo que después de los 60 no podemos correr triatlones? ¿O hacer equilibrio sobre una sola pierna? ¿O escribir un libro?
Boot Camp After 60: 10 Steps To Turn Around Unhealthy Habits
Older men and women often struggle to find the motivation to embrace a healthy lifestyle. We talk to experts about how to make the changes and how to keep them.
Por qué los adultos mayores necesitan consumir más proteína
La cantidad de proteínas, y las formas de consumirla, son distintas en las personas mayores. Su carencia impacta fuerte en su masa muscular.