Latest California Healthline Stories
¿Ha llegado el momento de cambiar la definición de “totalmente vacunado”?
Científicos y funcionarios de salud pública debaten cuándo será el momento de cambiar la definición de “totalmente vacunado” para que incluya una vacuna de refuerzo.
Is It Time to Change the Definition of ‘Fully Vaccinated’?
Experts weigh in as the federal government urges everyone to get boosted amid concerns over omicron, a new covid variant.
Hospitals Refused to Give Patients Ivermectin. Lockdowns and Political Pressure Followed.
Hospitals in Montana and Idaho reported threats and harassment from public officials and family members of patients who were denied treatment with a drug not authorized to treat covid-19.
Todo lo que hay que saber sobre omicron y las otras variantes del coronavirus
La variante omicron, conocida oficialmente como B.1.1.529, apareció en noviembre en varios países del sur de África. Las alarmas saltaron en todo el mundo cuando los funcionarios de salud pública de Sudáfrica vieron que empezaba a superar a delta, la cepa dominante hasta ahora.
Omicron and Other Coronavirus Variants: What You Need to Know
This new variant has set off alarm bells in the public health community, but much remains to be learned about it.
KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: The Big Biden Budget Bill Passes the House
President Joe Biden’s social spending budget is on its way to the U.S. Senate, where Democratic leaders are (optimistically) hoping to complete work by the end of the year. Meanwhile, covid is surging again in parts of the country, along with the political divides it continues to cause. Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times, Joanne Kenen of Politico and the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, and Mary Agnes Carey of KHN join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Also this week, Rovner previews next week’s Supreme Court abortion oral arguments with Florida State University law professor Mary Ziegler.
Success of Covid Antiviral Pills Hinges on Access to Speedy and Accurate Tests
The promising antiviral drugs to treat covid can halt hospitalizations and deaths, but only if they’re given to patients within three to five days of their first symptoms, a narrow window many people won’t meet. Here’s why.
Lifting DC’s Strict Indoor Mask Mandate Triggers Mix of Confusion, Anxiety and Relief
Some business owners, wondering whether it’s too soon to ease the requirement, long for more guidance and support from the mayor.
Why You Can’t Find Cheap At-Home Covid Tests
You probably won’t be testing everyone at your Thanksgiving table for covid because the tests are expensive and hard to find. Why? The federal government is partly to blame.
Journalists Cover Issues From Pollution to Vaccines and the Spread of Covid in Hospitals
KHN and California Healthline staff made the rounds on national and local media this week to discuss their stories. Here’s a collection of their appearances.