Latest California Healthline Stories
Research Misconduct Allegations Shadow New CDC Head
Critics say the Trump administration failed to properly vet Dr. Robert Redfield as they attribute a pattern of “ethically and morally questionable behavior” to him.
Adults Skipping Vaccines May Miss Out On Effective New Shingles Shot
Federal health officials recommend that adults get a number of vaccinations, including protections against shingles, the flu, pneumonia, tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. But immunization rates are generally low.
Adultos saltean vacunas y no se benefician de la nueva contra el herpes zóster
A diferencia del calendario de vacunas infantil, que los padres respetan en más de un 90%, los adultos se saltean vacunas, que previenen una amplia gama de enfermedades.
Participants In Rogue Herpes Vaccine Research Take Legal Action
Three participants in unauthorized herpes vaccine research file a lawsuit against scientist’s company, alleging adverse side effects.
Crowded Shelters And The Vicious Flu Brew Perfect Storm For The Homeless
Although homeless shelters provide lifesaving protection from the winter’s cold, they also act as incubators for diseases like influenza.
At Some California Hospitals, Fewer Than Half Of Workers Get The Flu Shot
Vaccinations rates have climbed significantly among hospital workers in recent years, to 83 percent. But that rate masks wide variation among facilities and types of workers. Nationally, the rules are far from uniform or ironclad.
University Under Fire For Off-The-Grid Herpes Vaccine Experiments
Southern Illinois University’s ethics panel launches “full” inquiry into herpes vaccine experiments on human subjects that took place offshore and in the U.S. without proper oversight by one of its professors, who has since died.
Defendiéndose de la mortal temporada de gripe: 5 cosas que hay que saber ahora
El virus se ha expandido en 46 estados y los síntomas son más feroces. La vacuna ayuda pero no protege ciento por ciento, dicen expertos.
Defending Against This Season’s Deadly Flu: 5 Things To Know Now
A particularly nasty flu is widespread in 46 states, including California. Nationally, at least 106 people have died from the infectious disease.
Readers Have Bones To Pick, From Health System Flaws To Covering Marijuana Beat
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.