Latest California Healthline Stories
Make Room For Baby: After Giving Birth, Duckworth Presses Senate To Bend Rules
The Illinois Democrat is the first sitting senator to give birth. She’s using the opportunity to call for adjusting Senate rules to accommodate new parents.
‘Scary’ Lung Disease Now Afflicts More Women Than Men In U.S.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), linked to long-term smoking, has traditionally been considered a men’s disease. But data show it is now more prevalent among women — in large part because they embraced smoking much later than men did.
States Extend Medicaid For Birth Control, Cutting Costs — And Future Enrollment
Medicaid family planning programs reduce unplanned births, but some are caught in disputes over federal funding to Planned Parenthood.
Doctores preocupados porque mamás con depresión no reciben atención adecuada
Cerca de una de cada 7 mujeres sufre de depresión durante el embarazo y después del parto. Sin embargo, no hay una red preparada para asistirlas, en un momento de gran tensión emocional.
#MeTooMedicine: mujeres que trabajan en salud también denuncian acoso sexual
Las denuncias de acoso sexual en Hollywood y otras áreas han movilizado a las mujeres en el campo de la medicina a contar sus historias.
Women In Medicine Shout #MeToo About Sexual Harassment At Work
Lawsuits and complaints about sexual harassment are piling up in the health care industry as women take on doctors, peers and co-workers.
Clash Over Abortion Hobbles A Health Bill. Again. Here’s How.
As Congress considers a bipartisan bill to help hold down premium prices on the health law’s marketplaces, a long-standing fight over abortion reappears.
Docs Worry There’s ‘Nowhere To Send’ New And Expectant Moms With Depression
California’s legislature will soon take up a bill that would require doctors to screen pregnant women and new mothers for mental health problems. Many doctors oppose the idea, and laws elsewhere haven’t increased the number of moms treated.
Medicaid Is Rural America’s Financial Midwife
Medicaid payments allow struggling hospitals to maintain vital costly services such as maternity care.
Campus Voices: Should Student Health Centers Offer Abortion Pills?
California lawmakers are considering a bill that would require student health centers at all of the state’s four-year public universities to carry the abortion pill. Students at campuses across the state sounded off on the proposal.