Daily Edition for Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Naloxone, covid hospitalizations, vaccines, RSV, preventive care, veteran health, ADHD, Medicare spending, and more are in the news.
Cozy Images of Plush Toys and Blankets Counter Messaging on Safe Infant Sleep
By Colleen DeGuzman
Unsafe sleep environments are among the main reasons accidental suffocation or strangulation is a hard-to-solve public health problem.
Hollywood’s A-List Health Insurance Is Jeopardized by the Labor Strikes
By Jackie Fortiér, LAist
Hollywood actors and writers who qualify for their union health plans get a very good deal compared with other Americans. But not working during the strike threatens their eligibility in the system.
Sin mantas, peluches, ni en brazos de sus padres: cómo hacer que los bebés duerman seguros
By Colleen DeGuzman
Algunas advertencias claras: los bebés no deben dormir con mantas, peluches o protectores que puedan provocar asfixia o estrangulamiento. Tampoco en brazos de los padres.
Daily Edition for Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Heat-related deaths, pharmacy mistakes, opioids, nursing home staffing, health worker strikes, covid, and more are in the news.
Workers Pay the Price While Congress and Employers Debate Need for Heat Regulations
By Amy Maxmen
Studies suggest official numbers vastly underestimate heat-related injuries and illness on the job. To institute protections, the government must calculate their cost — and the cost of inaction.
Trabajadores sufren mientras el Congreso y empresarios debaten la necesidad de normas contra el calor
By Amy Maxmen
No existen normas federales para proteger a los trabajadores cuando los días son excesivamente calurosos. Y sin el apoyo bipartidista del Congreso, incluso con la atención urgente de la administración Biden, es posible que el alivio no llegue en años.
Biden Administration Proposes New Standards to Boost Nursing Home Staffing
By Jordan Rau
The proposal would require major hiring at the most sparsely staffed homes. But the proposal is already badly received by the nursing home industry, which claims it can’t boost wages enough to attract workers.
Activist Misuses Federal Data to Make False Claim That Covid Vaccines Killed 676,000
By Tom Kertscher, PolitiFact
Anti-vaccine tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch, whose wild assertions have been repeatedly debunked, wrongly attributes deaths following vaccination to the vaccines themselves. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which runs the database, calls that inaccurate and irresponsible.
When Temps Rise, So Do Medical Risks. Should Doctors and Nurses Talk More About Heat?
By Martha Bebinger, WBUR
The medical dangers of heat are real. But people often ignore public heat alerts or don’t realize how vulnerable they are. A new alert system prompts clinicians to talk about heat with patients.