Juez bloquea en 19 estados la norma que permite a Dreamers inscribirse en planes de salud de ACA
By Julie Appleby
Además de Kansas y Dakota del Norte, los estados que se unieron a la demanda son Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, Carolina del Sur, Dakota del Sur, Tennessee, Texas y Virginia.
Daily Edition for Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Social media warnings, food insecurity, unsafe hospitals, “forever chemicals,” underinsured put off care, AI, vaccines, and more.
A Centenarian Thrives Living Alone, Active and Engaged
By Judith Graham
Many older adults living alone, isolated and vulnerable, struggle with health issues. But a noteworthy slice of this growing group of seniors maintain a high degree of well-being. Meet Hilda Jaffe, age 102.
Rural Governments Often Fail To Communicate With Residents Who Aren’t Proficient in English
By Jazmin Orozco Rodriguez
Access to information in languages other than English is protected by various federal, state, and local policies. But researchers tracking them say that as rural America grows more diverse, people not proficient in English face added barriers to critical public health information and services.
Centenaria vive sola en Nueva York, y se mantiene comprometida y activa con su comunidad
By Judith Graham
Entre las cualidades asociadas a la resiliencia en los mayores se incluyen el optimismo y la esperanza, la capacidad de adaptarse a circunstancias cambiantes, las relaciones personales relevantes, las conexiones con la comunidad y la actividad física.
Daily Edition for Monday, December 9, 2024
Bird flu, cancer prevention, health care costs, flu rates, Obamacare subsidies, Trump’s health plans, and more.
Resources Are Expanding for Older Adults on Their Own
By Judith Graham
Aging alone, without a spouse, a partner, or children, requires careful planning. New programs for this growing population offer much-needed help.
Expanden los recursos para las personas mayores que viven solas
By Judith Graham
Todos estos recursos abordan la necesidad de estos adultos mayores de relacionarse con otras personas, evitar el aislamiento y prepararse para un futuro en el que podrían tener menos energía, más problemas de salud y necesitar más ayuda.
Daily Edition for Friday, December 6, 2024
Santa Clara County Hospitals Accused Of Wrongly Disposing Of Medical Waste, Patient Data: Santa Clara county hospitals have illegally dumped tons of biohazardous waste, including prescription drugs, human tissue, and vials containing blood, county prosecutors said. Hundreds of documents with unredacted personal patient information were also found. Read more from the Los Angeles Times and San Francisco Chronicle.
California Official Comes out of Retirement To Lead Troubled Mental Health Commission
By Molly Castle Work
Former California social services head Will Lightbourne has come out of retirement to lead the state’s mental health accountability commission following its executive director’s resignation in the wake of conflict of interest allegations.