Latest California Healthline Stories
Pacientes experimentan con drogas recetadas para luchar contra la vejez
Aún no se han realizado ensayos clínicos rigurosos a gran escala para estudiar el proceso de envejecimiento. Así y todo, pacientes experimentan con drogas para detener el paso del tiempo.
Patients Experiment With Prescription Drugs To Fight Aging
Doctors and patients say they’re compelled to use off-label meds as research goes unfunded.
Readers And Tweeters Give Free Consultation On Health Care System’s Ills
Kaiser Health News and California Healthline give readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
Listening To Older Patients Who Want To Stop Dialysis
Older adults with advanced kidney disease sometimes want to stop dialysis but often meet resistance from doctors, new research shows. We explore options available to these patients, including conservative care.
Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ How Safe Are Your Supplements?
Alice Ollstein of Politico, Kimberly Leonard of the Washington Examiner and Anna Edney of Bloomberg News join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss the latest national health spending estimates, another FDA crackdown on dietary supplements and lawsuits between insurers and the federal government that could result in a windfall for consumers.
Seniors Aging In Place Turn To Devices And Helpers, But Unmet Needs Are Common
A new study examines how seniors with deteriorating strength and other physical functions deal with such challenges as taking a shower or getting dressed in the morning.
Facebook Live: Helping People Age With Independence
Columnist Judith Graham speaks with Sarah Szanton, director of the Center for Innovative Care in Aging at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, about helping people age with independence.
A ‘Fountain Of Youth’ Pill? Sure, If You’re A Mouse.
The race for the cure to aging sparks hope and hype among top scientists — plus billions of dollars in investment.
Task Force Outlines Strategy To Address California’s Shortfall Of Health Workers
A new report by a coalition of health, education and labor leaders concludes that the state must build a larger and more culturally diverse pool of medical, mental health and home care professionals to meet the needs of a growing population. The findings point to a big challenge for Gov. Gavin Newsom as he seeks to extend health insurance to many of California’s nearly 3 million uninsured residents.
Adultos mayores vulnerables logran volver a ser independientes
El programa para personas mayores vulnerables de bajos ingresos Community Aging in Place — Advancing Better Living for Elders (CAPABLE) ayuda a los abuelos a vivir independientemente.