Latest California Healthline Stories
Voces oficiales aseguran que esta supervisión deficiente hizo que el número de incidentes que podrían causar lesiones graves o la muerte haya aumentado significativamente en los últimos años.
Inadequate Oversight Allows Poor Care At California Nursing Homes To Go Unchecked, State Audit Finds
The scathing report cites a significant increase in cases of poor care — especially ones with the potential to cause serious injuries or death. A state lawmaker called the findings “very, very disturbing.”
Ayudan con arte a que los cuidadores familiares tengan un merecido recreo
Hay cerca de 42 millones de personas que cuidan a un familiar, adulto o niño, enfermo como un trabajo de tiempo completo. Programas de arte les ofrecen un respiro.
Family Caregivers Finally Get A Break — And Extra Coaching
Across the country, community groups, hospitals and government agencies are stepping in to support the estimated 42 million family caregivers. In California, that includes providing training and sometimes a dose of fun and relaxation.
New Medicare Perk For Diabetes Prevention Stumbles At Rollout
On April 1, Medicare launched a major initiative — a diabetes prevention program for seniors and people with serious disabilities— that is available in only a few cities.
Decisión de Barbara Bush al final de su vida crea debate sobre los “cuidados paliativos”
Muchos creen que elegir los “cuidados paliativos” significa abandonar el tratamiento. Expertos aclaran por qué esta creencia es errónea.
Más mujeres que hombres sufren ahora una “aterradora” enfermedad pulmonar
La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) está afectando a millones de mujeres que comenzaron a fumar en los años 60 y 70, casi como una forma de rebelión.
Barbara Bush’s End-Of-Life Decision Stirs Debate Over ‘Comfort Care’
The former first lady’s announcement “not to seek additional medical treatment” and to focus on “comfort care” shone a light on end-of-life choices.
What We Know And Don’t Know About Memory Loss After Surgery
Memory problems and trouble multitasking are among the symptoms of POCD, a little-known condition that affects a substantial number of older adults after surgery.
Medical Marijuana’s ‘Catch-22’: Federal Limits On Research Hinder Patients’ Relief
Suffering Americans seek medical marijuana as an alternative to opioids and other powerful pharmaceuticals. Though legal in 29 states, some doctors say the lack of strong data makes it hard to recommend. One researcher at the University of California-San Diego plans to use federally grown and controlled marijuana to study the effect of cannabidiol, a compound found in pot, on the neuropathic pain of HIV patients.