Latest California Healthline Stories
So Much Care It Hurts: Unneeded Scans, Therapy, Surgery Only Add To Patients’ Ills
Overtreatment of breast cancer and other diseases is pervasive, burdening patients and the health care system with enormous costs and needless suffering.
Amid For-Profit Surge, Rural Hospice Has Offered Free Care for 40 Years
Tiny Washington state hospice accepts no federal funds, relies on community volunteers and donations to serve the dying.
A Few Pointers To Help Save Money And Avoid The Strain Of Medicare Enrollment
Most beneficiaries have from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7 to decide on drug coverage and whether to switch from traditional Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan.
Social Security Giveth, Medical Costs Taketh Away
Out-of-pocket health costs eat up about 18 percent of retirees’ incomes.
Fires Prey On Frail Residents Living On Their Own
The ferocious fires in Northern California underscore the vulnerability of seniors and disabled people whose mobility is limited. Experts recommend basic precautions.
Dementia Patient At Center of Spoon-Feeding Controversy Dies
Nora Harris, 64, who had early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, raised questions about the power — and limits — of an advance directive to withdraw care.
In Oregon, End-of-Life Wishes Are Just A Click Away
A new link creates two-way access to the state registry that documents the type of medical care sick and frail patients want — or refuse.
Adultos mayores tendrán ajustes del Seguro Social, pero pagarán más por el Medicare
Millones de adultos mayores pronto serán notificados (si no lo han sido ya) que las primas del Medicare para servicios médicos están aumentando y podrían consumir el ajuste de costo de vida que recibirán el próximo año del Seguro Social.
On Medi-Cal And Feel Shut Out Of Nursing Homes? Here Are Tips To Claim Your Bed.
Medi-Cal enrollees have an easier time getting into a nursing home if they are coming from the hospital rather than from their homes or from assisted living.
A medida que los donantes leales envejecen, los bancos buscan sangre joven
Para las personas que nacieron después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial donar sangre era casi un deber cívico. Pero a medida que envejecen y dejan de donar, los bancos de sangre luchan por reemplazarlos por donantes más jóvenes.