Latest California Healthline Stories
Geriatricians Can Help Aging Patients Navigate Multiple Ailments
Aging adults with complex needs can get special assistance from doctors trained as geriatricians.
GOP Fix To Insurance Markets Could Spike Premiums For Older Customers
As Republicans consider how to bring down costs for younger people, lawmakers may relax or eliminate the restrictions on how much more insurers can charge older consumers.
Docs In Northwest Tweak Aid-In-Dying Drugs To Prevent Prolonged Deaths
Some terminal patients, typically high-dose opioid users, who choose to end their lives have taken many hours, even days, to die.
An Alzheimer’s ‘Tsunami’ Threatens Latinos
The number of U.S. Latinos with the memory-robbing disease is expected to rise more than eightfold by 2060, to 3.5 million, according to a recent report — putting a strain on families and health care resources.
Un ‘tsunami’ de Alzheimer amenaza a latinos
Según un informe reciente, se espera que el número de latinos en los Estados Unidos con la enfermedad roba-memoria aumente más de ocho veces para 2060, a 3,5 millones de casos, poniendo presión en las familias y en los recursos de salud.
ER Visits Linked To Falls Spike Among California Seniors
State data show a rise of nearly 40 percent in fall-related visits from 2010 to 2015, a period in which the elderly population grew about 21 percent.
New Federal Rules Will Require Home Health Agencies To Do Much More For Patients
The first overhaul of federal regulations in almost 30 years for home health care agencies will require them to be much more responsive to what aging patients and their caregivers need or want.
La risa, el mejor antídoto ante la muerte
Expertos, y estudios, afirman que la risa puede agregar humor, y aliviar el dolor por la pérdida cercana, al final de la vida.
Humor may be an antidote for the pain of death for both patients and survivors.
Judge Accepts Medicare’s Plan To Remedy Misunderstanding On Therapy Coverage
Many seniors are denied coverage because therapists mistakenly believe that they must be making improvements to qualify for coverage.