Most Home Health Aides ‘Can’t Afford Not to Work’ — Even When Lacking PPE
Home health aides flattened the curve by keeping the most vulnerable patients — seniors, the disabled, the infirm — out of hospitals. But they’ve done it mostly at poverty wages and without overtime pay, hazard pay, sick leave or health insurance.
Health Care Groups Dive Into Property Tax Ballot Fight, Eyeing Public Health Money
Health care leaders say Proposition 15, a ballot initiative that would raise property taxes for large-business owners, could help boost revenue for chronically underfunded public health departments.
Musicians Improvise Masks for Wind Instruments to Keep the Band Together
Instrumentalists in ensembles, marching bands and other groups are getting creative with pantyhose, air filters, fabric and sewing machines to reduce the risk of COVID without silencing the music.
Majority of Voters Tilt Toward Biden as Health Issues Weigh Heavily
More than 50% of people said they favor Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s approach to an array of health issues.
No, the WHO Didn’t Change Its Lockdown Stance or ‘Admit’ Trump Was Right
The World Health Organization has been consistent throughout the pandemic in communicating that lockdowns should be employed only when COVID-19 cases are high — to give governments and health systems time to redouble efforts. Forced closures should not be the primary strategy to combat coronavirus transmission.
KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: Democrats May Lose on SCOTUS, But Hope to Win on ACA
Barring something unexpected, Democrats in the Senate appear to lack the votes to block the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. So, instead they used the high-profile confirmation hearings to hammer on Republicans for again putting the Affordable Care Act in peril. Mary Ellen McIntire of CQ Roll Call, Shefali Luthra of The 19th and Sarah Karlin-Smith of Pink Sheet join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Plus, Rovner interviews Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, about public health challenges in dealing with COVID-19.
Sleepless Nights, Hair Loss and Cracked Teeth: Pandemic Stress Takes Its Toll
Reports are on the rise regarding excruciating headaches, stomach upsets for weeks on end, sudden outbreaks of shingles and flare-ups of autoimmune disorders. A common thread among the complaints, one that has been months in the making, is chronic stress.
Insomnio, pérdida de cabello y rechinar de dientes: cómo superar el estrés pandémico
Un gran número de investigaciones muestra que los altos niveles de estrés durante un tiempo prolongado pueden alterar drásticamente los sistemas del cuerpo.
COVID en LA: prevención en los trabajos ha salvado vidas de latinos, dicen oficiales
La agresiva aplicación de las normas de salud y la apertura de líneas para denunciar si no se cumplen han contribuido a la disminución de muertes.
Making Money Off Masks, COVID-Spawned Chain Store Aims to Become Obsolete
A new chain of stores is spreading in malls across America, just like the disease that is giving it business. COVID-19 Essentials is selling masks and all the gear needed to stay safe — and the owner can’t wait to go out of business.