At Colorado’s Rural Edges, Vaccines Help Assisted Living Homes Crack Open the Doors
Amid the disorganization and confusion of the vaccine distribution, smaller communities may have an advantage. In some long-term care facilities where vaccination is underway, things are looking up.
Can the US Keep Covid Variants in Check? Here’s What It Takes
The U.S. has fumbled almost every step of its public health response in its battle against covid-19. Experts say that must change if we’re going to outflank the variants emerging as the virus continues to mutate.
New Covid Cases Plunge 25% or More as Behavior Changes
End of holiday gatherings or fear of the virus may be at play – or hope for the vaccine
Nuevos casos de Covid caen un 25% o más a medida que cambian conductas
Expertos dicen que la caída puede estar relacionada con el creciente temor al virus después que alcanzara niveles récord, así como con la esperanza de vacunarse pronto.
¿Puede Estados Unidos controlar las nuevas mutaciones de covid?
Cuando una mutación hace sonar las alarmas de salud pública, normalmente se debe a que se ha combinado con otras mutaciones y, en conjunto, ha cambiado la forma en que se comporta el virus.
Encuesta: casi la mitad de los adultos ahora quiere vacunarse contra covid lo antes posible
Ya se han vacunado unas 20 millones de personas. Sin embargo, persisten las disparidades raciales, étnicas y económicas en cuanto al acceso a las vacunas.
If I Have Cancer, Dementia or MS, Should I Get the Covid Vaccine?
Older patients with cancer, dementia or other serious illnesses should check with their doctors, but medical experts recommend the vaccine for most people.
With U.S. cases skyrocketing, demand for Gilead’s dark horse antiviral is only growing. Biden appointees propose potential legal tactics to tamp down the price for patients.
Poll: Nearly Half of American Adults Now Want the Covid Vaccine — ASAP
The number of adults seeking to get inoculated has risen since December, according to a new poll.
California’s Top Hospital Lobbyist Cements Influence in Covid Crisis
Carmela Coyle, who represents California’s hospitals in the state Capitol, is a power player whose clout has grown during the pandemic. Though she hasn’t won every battle, she has helped shape the state’s response to the crisis.