Latest California Healthline Stories
How To Ease The Financial Pain Of High-Deductible Health Plans
You might save money on premiums with a high-deductible health plan only to find you’re spending more on the back end. These tips will help you minimize your expenses for medical treatment and prescriptions.
Grasping For The Middle Ground On Obamacare
A University of Southern California professor says conservatives and liberals should split the difference: Scrap the exchanges and expand Medicaid.
The Next Obamacare Battleground: Subsidies For Out-Of-Pocket Costs
Exchange enrollees and insurers fret over a lawsuit that could end federal help with copays and deductibles.
Repeal And Replace Hits A Roadblock. What’s Next For California?
California Healthline/Kaiser Health News correspondents take to the airwaves to discuss the future of Obamacare and changes that might ensue after the demise of the Republican health care bill.
From ‘Stressed Out’ To Hopeful, Five Californians Weigh In On GOP Bill
The Republicans’ health care plan, which would generally reduce premium subsidies and limit federal funding for Medicaid, has many Californians wondering what will happen to their coverage. We spoke with some of them.
California’s Republican Congress Members Face Quandary Over Health Bill
Many constituents could lose coverage under the AHCA. Half of California’s Republican-led districts voted against Donald Trump.
Many Californians Could Be Priced Out Of Exchange Coverage, Analysis Finds
California’s health insurance exchange released an analysis showing that Republicans’ plan to trim subsidies, on average, by 40% would fall hard on elderly and very low-income people, especially in expensive areas like San Francisco.
GOP Health Plan Could Be Bitter Pill For California’s Obamacare Exchange
Critics say the proposed changes could poison one of the nation’s healthiest marketplaces, driving up premiums and drawing in only the sickest patients. Republicans and industry analysts call those concerns overblown.
With ‘Trumpcare’ On Horizon, Voters Go Wobbly On Repeal
The prospect of repealing the Affordable Care Act – with no replacement ready – finds many having second thoughts.
LA County Health Chief Wants To ‘Catch’ People Dropped From Coverage
Mitch Katz, director of the L.A. County Health Agency, says California must find ways to cover state residents who might lose their health coverage if Obamacare is repealed.