Latest California Healthline Stories
5 Things To Know About The Subsidies At The Heart Of A Capitol Hill Battle
Democrats want a bill to fund the government for the rest of the year to include funding for the health law’s cost-sharing reductions for low-income marketplace customers, but Republicans want to keep the issues separate.
Health Care In America: An Employment Bonanza And A Runaway-Cost Crisis
The Trump administration has pledged to create jobs and shrink health care spending — almost a contradiction in a country where health care is a roaring engine of the economy.
Hoping To Control Health Costs, California Lawmaker Targets Prescription Drug Coupons
Proposed state legislation would ban drugmakers from issuing coupons to lower patients’ copayments if a cheaper, FDA-approved medication is available.
California Governor Signs Flurry Of Health Laws
Surprise medical bill protections for consumers and new painkiller prescribing requirements for doctors are among measures signed by Gov. Jerry Brown.
Tossing Unused Surgical Supplies Wastes Millions Of Dollars, Study Finds
Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco estimate that hospitals could lose nearly $1,000 per surgery by throwing away opened but unused supplies, such as gloves and sponges.
After 16 Years Of Debate, Legislation On Surprise Medical Bills Pushes Forward
The California measure would protect consumers and provide better reimbursement for care, supporters say.
Price Hike For One Diabetes Drug Costs CalPERS Millions
The drug Lantus is among a new generation of diabetes medications that is difficult for governments — and consumers — to afford.
Could This Be The Year That California Lawmakers Stop Surprise Medical Bills?
The bill would help consumers avoid pricey bills from out-of-network docs.
This Patient Advocate Has No Quarrel With Big Pharma
Liz Helms of the California Chronic Care Coalition takes some surprising positions on prescription drug costs.
Can Drug Price Transparency Keep Costs Down?
California is among a number of states considering new laws to control the rising cost of prescription medications.