Latest California Healthline Stories
Republican Convention, Day 1: A Campaign-Style Trump Speech and More
Republicans kicked off the first day of their convention with a wide-ranging speech by President Donald Trump in Charlotte, North Carolina.
California Lawmakers Block Health Care Cuts
State legislators and Gov. Gavin Newsom have hammered out an agreement on a budget that rejects Newsom’s proposed cuts to health care services for older and low-income people.
Pandemic Forced Insurers To Pay For In-Home Treatments. Will They Disappear?
With stay-at-home orders in place, hospitals experimented with delivering many treatments to patients where they lived. They were a success. As society reopens, the return of old payment practices may prevent the adoption of this new, efficient model of care.
California’s New Attack On Opioid Addiction Hits Old Roadblocks
State officials in California have achieved some success in promoting the use of medication-assisted treatment for people with opioid addictions, but they are bumping up against familiar resistance and constraints.
Resurge la telemedicina, por miedo al coronavirus y cambios en los pagos
Millones de estadounidenses buscan atención conectándose electrónicamente con un médico, muchos por primera vez. Una práctica segura para atender a ciertas condiciones y seguimientos.
Democrats Sharpen Health Care Attacks As Primaries Heat Up
The stakes appeared higher in this debate as candidates focused on the upcoming South Carolina primary this weekend and Super Tuesday.
Demócratas agudizan ataques al sistema de salud, al ritmo de las primarias
En el debate número 10 realizado en Charleston, Carolina del Sur, también se unieron para atacar al senador por Vermont Bernie Sanders, actual favorito.
Scalpels Out: Democrats Make Slashing Attacks On Health Care Plans
Candidates’ tough health policy talk strayed far from hope for unity.
Watch: Let’s Talk About Trump’s Health Care Policies
KHN’s Shefali Luthra examines the president’s talking points on a range of topics — from insurance coverage, access to care and affordability issues to preexisting condition protections and prescription drug costs.
Texas Law Highlights Dilemma Over Care For Patients With No Hope Of Survival
The Texas Advance Directives Act gives hospitals the authority to stop life-sustaining support if another hospital won’t accept the patient. The family of Tinslee Lewis, a 10-month-old with serious medical problems, is fighting to keep her in hospital care.