Latest California Healthline Stories
¿Cuánto cuesta un implante de senos? Depende quién pague…
Un implante de senos por razones cosméticas es mucho más económico que uno que se realiza luego del tratamiento por una enfermedad… ¿Por qué?
Blue Shield’s Trims To Out-Of-State Coverage Give Some Californians The Blues
To keep costs down, Blue Shield of California next year will scale back on a program allowing members to receive a wide range of care beyond the state’s borders. Customers with individual plans mostly won’t be able to get coverage out of state except for emergencies or other exceptional circumstances.
One Implant, Two Prices. It Depends On Who’s Paying.
Breast implants — used for both cancer and cosmetic surgeries — give a glimpse into how hospitals mark up prices of medical devices to increase their bottom lines.
Must-Reads Of The Week On Health Care
Executive editor Damon Darlin takes a spin as host of “The Friday Breeze,” whirling through a week of health care news so you don’t have to.
Si no hay efectivo, no hay corazón. Centros de trasplantes piden prueba de pago
Casi todos los más de 250 centros de trasplantes de la nación requieren que los pacientes verifiquen cómo cubrir las facturas.
California: hogares para adultos mayores se resisten a cumplir reglas de personal
Nuevas normas exigen que los hogares ofrezcan atención individualizada a sus residentes por más tiempo al día.
More Than Half Of California Nursing Homes Balk At Stricter Staffing Rules
Patient advocates say the state’s new staffing regulations are a good start toward better protecting the frail, but the nursing home industry contends they’re too burdensome.
Look-Up: See Which Nursing Homes Want Waivers On Staffing
More than half of the state’s nursing homes are asking to be exempted from new state regulations that would require they spend more time directly caring for patients.
Medicare reduce pagos a hogares cuyos pacientes vuelven a ser hospitalizados
El gobierno federal reducirá los pagos de un año a casi 11,000 hogares cuyos pacientes vuelven al hospital con demasiada frecuencia.
Medicare Cuts Payments To Nursing Homes Whose Patients Keep Ending Up In Hospital
The incentive program to discourage nursing homes from discharging patients too quickly will also give bonuses to facilities with fewer rehospitalizations.