Latest California Healthline Stories
Playing On Fear And Fun, Hospitals Follow Pharma In Direct-To-Consumer Advertising
Hospitals are increasingly advertising medical services directly to patients to enhance their national brands. They think the image building improves their ability to negotiate with health plans and brings in wealthier patients.
Buyers Of Short-Term Health Plans: Wise Or Shortsighted?
Policyholders reason that their health is good — for now — and they don’t see the need for costly comprehensive coverage. Detractors say the plans undermine the Affordable Care Act, and agents advise reading the fine print. “You basically have to be in perfect health,” says one.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health articles from the week so you don’t have to.
Estrategia para frenar infecciones sexuales: tratar a la pareja sin cita médica
Aunque es una práctica recomendada oficialmente para frenar la diseminación de infecciones sexuales, muchos médicos no la ponen en práctica.
‘Grossly Unfair’? Widower Takes Ban On Military Injury Claims To Supreme Court
When a young Navy lieutenant died following low-risk childbirth, her husband claimed military doctors botched her care. But his wrongful death claim was dismissed because of a 1950 ruling that bars active-duty service members from suing the U.S. government — for any reason.
Fish Oil And Vitamin D Pills No Guard Against Cancer Or Serious Heart Trouble
And new study finds no reason to get routine vitamin D tests, researchers say.
Píldoras de aceite de pescado y de vitamina D no protegen contra el cáncer o males cardíacos
Los investigadores definieron los males cardíacos graves como el índice combinado de ataques cardíacos, apoplejía y muertes relacionadas con el corazón.
An Underused Strategy For Surge In STDs: Treat Patients’ Partners Without A Doctor Visit
For over a decade, federal health officials have recommended the practice, known as expedited partner therapy. It is allowed in most states, but many doctors don’t do it — either because of legal or ethical concerns, or because they are unaware of it.
Measure To Cap Dialysis Profits Pummeled After Record Spending By Industry
The dialysis industry raised nearly $111 million in a successful bid to defeat the measure, which also was opposed by hospitals and doctors. The union that sponsored the measure collected about one-sixth that amount.
Beyond The Buzz: What Do Americans Mean By ‘Medicare-For-All’?
KHN’s news analysis on “Medicare-for-all” sparks a broader conversation.