Latest California Healthline Stories
Americans Have Mixed Feelings About The ACA’s Future — But Like Their Plans
Most people who buy insurance on the individual market say they are motivated by concerns about high medical bills and a desire for peace of mind — not the law’s requirement that they have coverage, according to a new poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
California Takes On Health Giant Over High Costs
In a bold move, the state has sued Sutter Health, Northern California’s dominant hospital chain, whose prices have drawn complaints for years. The company says “healthy competition and choice exists across Northern California” for consumers seeking medical care.
Calif. Bill Targets Profiteering In Addiction Treatment, Dialysis Industries
The legislation is intended to curb schemes in which some treatment providers sign patients up for private plans, pay their premiums and then rake in profits from inflated claims.
Readers Seek Transparency On Surgery Centers, ‘Bill Of The Month’ Investigations
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
Sin contexto, ¿es bueno leer los resultados de exámenes médicos por internet?
En los últimos años, hospitales y consultorios han instado a los pacientes a inscribirse en los portales, para tener acceso rápido y continuo a sus registros. Pero a veces los resultados llegan antes que la voz del médico.
Without Context Or Cushion, Do Online Medical Results Make Sense?
In some cases, information now available to people without talking to a doctor can be a source of confusion and alarm and the cause of more work for doctors because it comes without adequate guidance.
Con medidas migratorias de Trump, adultos mayores pueden perder a sus cuidadores
Haitianos y centroamericanos forman parte de la fuerza de trabajo de los cuidadores en el hogar, que está en riesgo de mayor escasez si deben irse del país.
As Trump Targets Immigrants, Elderly Brace To Lose Caregivers
Families and nursing homes say Trump administration policies threaten to drive immigrants away from caring for older and disabled patients, intensifying a shortage in these low-wage jobs.
Poll: Americans Aghast Over Drug Costs But Aren’t Holding Their Breath For A Fix
Almost three-quarters of Americans think the pharmaceutical industry has too much power in the nation’s capital, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Reporter’s Notebook: The Tale Of Theranos And The Mysterious Fire Alarm
Health care tech startup Theranos was riding high back in 2014. But when a reporter raised questions, its media reps circled the wagons.