Latest California Healthline Stories
Room for Growth in California’s Cross-Border Insurance
The relatively small but vibrant cross-border health insurance market connecting California and Mexico is poised for a dramatic expansion, experts say. Health care costs in Mexico are lower, and the new health reform requirement that all individuals have health insurance could lead some to choose binational plans.
Seeking Answers on Medicaid Expansion
The success of the health reform implementation hinges on a broad Medicaid expansion, but state officials have significant questions as they grapple with new requirements. Meanwhile, the reform law likely prevents the governor’s proposed budget cuts to state health insurance programs.
Fight Over Premium Hikes Just Beginning
Outrage over Anthem’s proposed double-digit premium hikes played a crucial role in the health reform debate, but states’ own efforts to curb premiums are sparking stand-offs across the nation. Critics say the showdowns foreshadow greater disputes over reform’s implementation.
How Will Reform Affect County Programs for the Indigent?
We asked experts to predict how national reform might affect California’s struggling county-run programs providing medical care for indigent adults. The state has several options over the next three-and-a-half years before expanded Medi-Cal arrives.
High-Risk Pool Changes First Reforms on Tap in California
One of the first changes California will see under national health reform is the creation of a new insurance pool for “high-risk” patients. How the new national pool will affect California’s existing program will be closely watched.
Proposed Anthem Rate Hike Stirs Reform Waters
President Obama is pointing to proposed health insurance rate hikes in California as proof the system needs an overhaul, while members of Congress and the California Legislature are calling hearings and a frustrated Californian launches a statewide ballot initiative to regulate insurance rates.
New Program Brings Health Care Stakeholders Together To Curb Hospital-Acquired Infections
Gene Grigsby of the National Health Foundation, Leslie Margolin of Anthem Blue Cross, Jon Rosenberg of DPH and the Hospital Council of Northern and Central California’s Mary Lopez and Scott Seamons shared their thoughts on the new initiative.
Unemployed Californians Dig Deeper as COBRA Subsidies Expire
The federal stimulus package included money to help newly unemployed pay for health insurance, but those subsidies are coming to an end. Health advocates say uninsured ranks will grow if subsidies aren’t renewed.
Senate Bill Could Dilute Consumer Protections by Creating Interstate Market for Health Plans
Jerry Flanagan of Consumer Watchdog, Nadereh Pourat of UCLA, J.P. Wieske of the Council for Affordable Health Insurance and Mike Larsen, a spokesperson for Rep. Jackie Speier, spoke with California Healthline about the proposal.
School-Based Telehealth in Line for Double-Barreled Boost
A new report detailing the potential of school-based telehealth services arrives as those services move into position for an extra boost from broadband expansion plans in the federal stimulus package and new funding in national health reform legislation.