Latest Morning Briefing Stories
Por miedo a la deportación, niños sin papeles pueden abandonar el Medicaid
Desde que California permitió por ley que niños indocumentados recibieran servicios completos del Medi-Cal, se inscribieron cerca de 190,000. Con el clima político actual, defensores temen que los padres no los reinscriban por miedo a las deportaciones.
Fearing Deportation, Parents Worry About Enrolling Undocumented Kids In Medi-Cal
A 2016 California law allowed children without papers to sign up for full Medi-Cal benefits. More than 189,000 children have been covered, but some families now fear renewing coverage or signing up their kids for the first time.
California Governor Urges State Budget Restraint Amid Obamacare Repeal Effort
Gov. Jerry Brown hopes to forestall massive federal funding cuts under the GOP health care bill but proposed a fiscally conservative budget to prepare for that scenario.
California’s GOP Congress Members Could Pay Politically For ACA Repeal Vote
Some political analysts and community advocates say members of California’s Republican congressional delegation, which voted unanimously for the House bill, could be haunted at the polls.
Blue Shield CEO Says GOP’s ‘Flawed’ Health Bill Would Harm Sicker Consumers
CEO Paul Markovich said he opposes the Republican plan because it would allow insurers to once again discriminate against people with preexisting conditions. “We are better than that,” he said.
Brothers’ Ouster Prompts Speculation Molina Healthcare Will Be Sold
The California-based company, an important player in Medicaid managed care and across the Obamacare marketplaces, could prove an attractive target for larger insurers.
To Save On Medi-Cal Costs, A Bid To Help Homeless Patients With Rent Money
California lawmakers consider a bill to use state money to help homeless Medi-Cal patients pay rent — shifting their focus from sheer survival to wellness. The move could save taxpayers millions, advocates say.
California Lawmakers Mull Improvements To Troubled Dental Program
Denti-Cal has been criticized for not paying dentists enough to care for low-income Medicaid recipients.
Grasping For The Middle Ground On Obamacare
A University of Southern California professor says conservatives and liberals should split the difference: Scrap the exchanges and expand Medicaid.
Death By 1,000 Cuts: How Republicans Can Still Alter Your Coverage
There are many ways beyond legislative repeal for the Trump administration and congressional Republicans to unravel the Affordable Care Act.