Latest Morning Briefing Stories

From $17 Billion to $7 Billion so Far … How Far Will Medicaid Waiver Drop?

The state dropped about $10 billion from its request for a new federal Medicaid waiver. California now wants roughly $7 billion to jumpstart payment and delivery system reforms, but it may get only a portion of that lower number.

Poll Asks Duals for Opt-Out Reasoning

The high rate of seniors opting out of the Cal MediConnect program for Californians dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid has been hard to figure out, so the state decided to ask people why they’re doing it.

Report: Record Medicaid Growth, Reforms

A Kaiser Family Foundation report suggests Medicaid is playing a more significant role in the U.S. health care system following changes and expansion under the Affordable Care Act.

Denti-Cal Program Grilled Again

After a series of legislative hearings and an audit by the state, the Little Hoover Commission took its turn at solving the Medi-Cal dental system puzzle during a long hearing in Sacramento last week.