Latest California Healthline Stories
Medicaid en el “ojo de la tormenta” por nuevos desempleados que buscan cobertura
Con más desempleados aplicando para seguro médico, Medicaid podría colapsar A medida que el coronavirus agita la economía y deja a millones de estadounidenses sin trabajo, Medicaid surge como el plan de salud obvio para muchos de los nuevos desempleados. Eso podría generar tensiones sin precedentes en este vital programa, según funcionarios estatales y analistas. […]
Federal Judge Rules Medicare Patients Can Challenge ‘Observation Care’ Status
Hundreds of thousands of people will be able to appeal hospitals’ decisions to classify them as “observation care” patients instead of inpatients, under a ruling last week in a class action suit.
Telemedicine Surges, Fueled By Coronavirus Fears And Shift In Payment Rules
Millions of Americans are suddenly seeking care by connecting with a doctor electronically. Helping drive that trend, medical providers can now charge as much as they would for an office visit.
Resurge la telemedicina, por miedo al coronavirus y cambios en los pagos
Millones de estadounidenses buscan atención conectándose electrónicamente con un médico, muchos por primera vez. Una práctica segura para atender a ciertas condiciones y seguimientos.
And Then There Were Two: Biden, Sanders Debate With Coronavirus On Everyone’s Mind
The candidates talked about their views on how this public health crisis should be managed. Though they disagreed on many points, they shared disapproval of the Trump administration’s response.
Dental Shock: Six Pulled Teeth And One Unexpected Bill
One woman’s experience with the high cost of dental care and confusing Medicare coverage offers a teachable moment for other consumers. Her small church took up a collection, but the surprise bill — four times what she expected to pay — was sent to collections.
Pence Leaves Out Key Details About Health Coverage Of Coronavirus Testing
The vice president’s remarks are more proof that health care is complicated.
Coronavirus Stress Test: Many 5-Star Nursing Homes Have Infection-Control Lapses
Since the beginning of 2017, inspectors have cited more nursing homes for failing to ensure that all workers follow federal prevention and control protocols than for any other type of violation, according to federal records.
Democrats Sharpen Health Care Attacks As Primaries Heat Up
The stakes appeared higher in this debate as candidates focused on the upcoming South Carolina primary this weekend and Super Tuesday.
Demócratas agudizan ataques al sistema de salud, al ritmo de las primarias
En el debate número 10 realizado en Charleston, Carolina del Sur, también se unieron para atacar al senador por Vermont Bernie Sanders, actual favorito.