Latest California Healthline Stories
Decision on Social Security Could Affect Health Care Costs for State’s Seniors
There may be no cost-of-living increase in Social Security this year, which could mean hikes in Medicare premiums and deductibles along with half a billion dollars less for the state’s coffers.
Orange County Seniors Opting Out of State’s Duals Demonstration Project
Seniors are opting out in droves from California’s duals demonstration project for Medi-Cal and Medicare recipients in Orange County — and no one knows why.
Accountable Care Organizations, Explained
This model of care is one of the ways created by the Affordable Care Act to reduce health care costs while improving quality of care. You can also watch the accompanying video that explains ACOs.
Advocates, CMS Warn Providers About Continuing Medicare ‘Balance Billing’
A CMS report says low-income seniors and those with disabilities often are billed for copayments, deductibles and other forms of shared payments, which is against the law.
Duals Allowed To Designate an Assistant
State health officials have established a process allowing dual eligibles to designate a friend or relative to make decisions about enrollment choices.
Changes Afoot for Orange County Duals
After several false starts, Orange County is set to launch its enrollment process for the duals demonstration project — but with a slightly modified timeline.
What Has Half a Century of Medicaid Meant for U.S.?
Experts and stakeholders reflect on half a century of Medicaid as we approach the 50th anniversary of two national health programs.
Undocumented Immigrants Help Keep Medicare Solvent, According to New Study
New research measuring undocumented immigrants’ contributions to the Medicare program has implications for efforts to extend Medi-Cal coverage to undocumented immigrants, according to California officials.
There’s bipartisan support for legislation that would eliminate the Affordable Care Act’s Independent Payment Advisory Board, meaning that one of the few ways to limit Medicare spending growth could soon be gone. What other tools could control Medicare spending?
Medicare ‘Doc Fix’ Affects Non-Doctor Providers, Too
The replacement for Medicare’s sustainable growth rate formula affects not just physicians, but also nurse practitioners, physician assistants, psychologists and other types of providers. Leaders of several California provider groups say the new law will help improve beneficiaries’ access to care.