Latest California Healthline Stories
State Responds to Concerns, Resets Timeline for Senior Program Transition
State health officials announced they would extend the timeline for transition of frail and elderly Californians from the Multipurpose Senior Services Program into managed care plans.
Scorecard: Less Than Half of Medicare Payments Tied to Value
A new scorecard from Catalyst for Payment Reform shows that while there is progress in tying Medicare payments to value, there’s still a long way to go.
If Calif. Ends Coordinated Care Initiative, What Happens to Frail Senior Duals?
If state officials halt the duals demonstration project in January 2016, the move could jeopardize the transition to managed care for thousands of frail, elderly Californians in the Multipurpose Senior Services Program.
If Duals Project Is Curtailed, Future Is Cloudy for Program for Frail Seniors
As part of California’s duals demonstration project, the state is phasing out the Multipurpose Senior Services Program designed for some of the frailest beneficiaries of Medicare and Medi-Cal. But that demonstration project itself could be ended prematurely.
Medicare, ACA Have Faced Similar Criticism. But Is That Where the Comparison Ends?
Just like the Affordable Care Act, Medicare went through some growing pains when it started 50 years ago. Does Medicare’s origin say anything about the future of the ACA?
California Group Leads National Effort Opposing Medicare Advantage Cuts
A national coalition of health care providers led by the California Association of Physician Groups is lobbying against proposed cuts to Medicare Advantage.
Dual Eligible Opt-Out Percentage High
A high percentage of dual eligibles have chosen to opt out of participating in Cal MediConnect, which may affect the viability of the Coordinated Care Initiative.
What’s Behind High Opt-Out Rate Among Dual Eligibles in L.A. County?
About one-third of the Californians who are eligible for the duals demonstration project have chosen to opt out of participation. In Los Angeles County, that rate is much higher and topped 50% at one point. Why?
One-Quarter of Possible Participants Have Opted Out of the Duals Project
About 50,000 dual-eligibles have now enrolled in Cal MediConnect, but the opt-out rate is high, particularly in Los Angeles County. Overall, more than 100,000 Californians eligible for Medi-Cal and Medicare have chosen not to participate.
State Tweaks Timeline for Duals Project
Alameda County has been dropped from the state’s duals demonstration project and automatic enrollment in Orange County will be delayed at least one more month.