Latest California Healthline Stories
Empleadores buscan nuevas formas de abordar la salud mental de los trabajadores
Mientras que un diagnóstico de cáncer puede generar solidaridad en el trabajo, admitir un trastorno psicótico puede provocar juicio, miedo y evasivas entre los compañeros.
Employers Urged To Find New Ways To Address Workers’ Mental Health
Pressure is growing on employers to better address the mental health needs of workers. Some big companies have begun to offer options such as peer support groups, and California has adopted a new law that calls on employers to act.
‘Climate Grief’: Fears About The Planet’s Future Weigh On Americans’ Mental Health
Although there’s no official clinical diagnosis, the psychiatric and psychological communities have names for the phenomenon of worrying about the Earth’s fate: “climate distress,” “climate grief,” “climate anxiety” or “eco-anxiety.” The concept also is gradually making its way into the public consciousness in television shows and movies.
Biden Calling ACA A ‘Breakthrough’ For Mental Health Parity Only Highlights Gaps
Did the Affordable Care Act create equal coverage of mental and physical health? Seems true on paper but not always in practice.
Sobering Up: In An Alcohol-Soaked Nation, More Seek Booze-Free Social Spaces
A national trend of boozeless bars is cropping up nationwide to create social spaces without the hangovers, DUIs and alcoholism culture. It’s part of a new push for sober options.
Florida Is The Latest Republican-Led State To Adopt Clean Needle Exchanges
Florida has struggled for years with opioid overdoses — and the highest rate of HIV infection in the U.S. Lawmakers now hope needle exchanges and a “harm reduction” approach could help save lives.
Florida es el último estado republicano en adoptar programa de intercambio de jeringas
Un programa piloto en el condado de Miami-Dade demostró la efectividad de esta intervención de salud pública. Una nueva ley podría ampliarla a otros condados.
State Lawmakers Eye Federal Dollars To Boost Mental Health Counseling By Peers
Medicaid pays for mentoring of mental health patients by “peer supporters,” but only if they are state-certified. California is one of two states with no certification program. Legislation pending in Sacramento would change that — if the governor backs it.
In Secret, Seniors Discuss ‘Rational Suicide’
Running counter to the efforts of suicide prevention experts and many religious and social norms, some seniors are quietly exploring the option of turning to suicide when they feel they’ve lived long enough.
En secreto, adultos mayores hablan del “suicidio racional”
Es un tema tabú, pero algunos adultos mayores comienzan a hablarlo. Se trata de la posibilidad de terminar con sus vidas pero no por depresión o desesperación, sino como una decisión pensada.