Latest California Healthline Stories
Always Connected With Thousands Of ‘Friends’ — Yet Feeling All Alone
Millennials and Gen Zers say they often feel isolated even when surrounded by friends — both real and virtual.
Military Doctors In Crosshairs Of A Budget Battle
Details of the reductions have not yet been announced, but in 2017 Congress ordered mandated changes to make the military health system more efficient.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health articles from the week so you don’t have to.
California busca liderar movimiento para descifrar los traumas infantiles
La doctora Nadine Burke Harris, flamante cirujana general de California, lidera un movimiento para comprender cómo las experiencias traumáticas infantiles generan enfermedades físicas y mentales graves.
California Looks To Lead Nation In Unraveling Childhood Trauma
The Golden State, in a movement spearheaded by its first-ever surgeon general, stands to become a vanguard for the nation in tracing adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, to the onset of physical and mental illness. But what can a pediatrician, with her 15-minute time slots and extensive to-do list, do about the ills of an absent parent or a neighborhood riddled with gun violence?
Listening To Older Patients Who Want To Stop Dialysis
Older adults with advanced kidney disease sometimes want to stop dialysis but often meet resistance from doctors, new research shows. We explore options available to these patients, including conservative care.
Denuncias de inseguridad y falta de atención en centros de inmigrantes de California
Dos informes oficiales denuncian problemas con el acceso a la atención médica y la falta de seguridad en al menos 10 centros del estado.
Detention Centers In California Lack Oversight And Proper Care, Reports Find
Health and safety problems at immigration detention facilities throughout California pose a serious risk to detainees, according to two reports released Tuesday. State Attorney General Xavier Becerra and California State Auditor Elaine Howle concluded that federal and local governments are failing to adequately oversee the facilities, allowing the problems to persist.
¿Sola? ¿Ansioso? ¿Deprimido? Tal vez tu dentista puede ayudarte
Una dentista de Oakland decidió incorporar una consultoría de salud mental en su práctica al observar que los pacientes hablaban de sus problemas de salud mental.
Lonely? Anxious? Depressed? Maybe Your Dentist Can Help
An Oakland dental clinic has started screening its patients for depression, and referring them to a mental health counselor down the hall for immediate care if necessary. The program at Asian Health Services could be replicated elsewhere, and make help for mental health problems more accessible to hard-to-reach populations.