Latest California Healthline Stories
The Hard Realities of a ‘No Jab, No Job’ Mandate for Health Care Workers
Despite a hearts-and-minds campaign and millions spent in incentives, managers struggle to get staffs vaccinated against covid. Some workers have threatened to quit over the pressure to get a shot, which employers can’t afford.
Nurses and Docs at Long Beach Center ‘Consider It an Honor’ to Care for Migrant Children
Health care workers find it easy to empathize with Central American children after their painful journeys to the U.S.
Pandemic Swells Medicaid Enrollment to 80 Million People, a ‘High-Water Mark’
More than 80 million Americans with low incomes were receiving health coverage through the federal-state program in January. The program now covers nearly 1 in 4 people nationwide.
Pandemia eleva el número de beneficiarios de Medicaid a más de 80 millones
Las últimas cifras de inscripción al Medicaid muestran que creció de 71,3 millones de miembros en febrero de 2020, cuando la pandemia comenzaba en los Estados Unidos, a 80,5 millones en enero, según un análisis de KFF de datos federales.
Supreme Court Declines to Overturn ACA — Again
Justices rule that Republican state officials and individuals did not have standing when they brought a suit arguing that a change in the tax penalty for not having insurance invalidated the historic health care law.
Device Makers Have Funneled Billions to Orthopedic Surgeons Who Use Their Products
Federal officials say that some of the money changing hands has corrupted doctors and endangered patients.
It’s About to Get Tougher for Transgender People in Montana to Amend Birth Certificates
It will soon take a court order to change one’s gender on a Montana birth certificate. Montana health officials are seeking comment on proposed rules for a law that would affect dozens of people each year.
Unvaccinated, Homebound and Now Hospitalized With Covid in New York City
Across the country, doctors report that those hospitalized with covid now are largely unvaccinated. New York City lags the rest of the nation in vaccinating people 65 and older, and its efforts to reach the homebound and disabled have been late in coming and disorganized.
Collecting FEMA Funeral Money Takes Some Tenacity — And Help
A federal program to help with the funeral expenses for people who died of covid is a challenge for grieving family members who aren’t fluent in English or the ways of a bureaucracy.
For Toddlers, Pandemic Shapes Development During Formative Years
The pandemic created disruption and family stress that may have lasting effects on young children’s social and emotional development.